61 Publikationen
2025 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2994643D. Holtgräwe, et al., Transcriptomic analysis of Pinot Noir and Pinot Noir Precoce updated to PN40024.v5 reference datasets, Bielefeld University, 2025.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2024 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2994723N. Schmidt, et al., “BeetRepeats: reference sequences for genome and polymorphism annotation in sugar beet and wild relatives”, BMC Research Notes, vol. 17, 2024, : 351.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2023 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2966927K. Sielemann, et al., Genome assembly, structural and functional annotation, and mRNA coverage/length files for KWS2320ONT_v1.0 and Strube U2BvONT_v1.0, Bielefeld University, 2023.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2980215K. Sielemann, et al., “Genomic characterization of a nematode tolerance locus in sugar beet”, BMC Genomics, vol. 24, 2023, : 748.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2969571H. Schilbert, et al., “Homoeologous non-reciprocal translocation explains a major QTL for seed lignin content in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 136, 2023, : 172.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2985152N. Schmidt, et al., “Repeat turnover meets stable chromosomes: repetitive DNA sequences mark speciation and gene pool boundaries in sugar beet and wild beets”, The Plant Journal, vol. 118, 2023, pp. 171-190.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2985993S. Müllner, et al., “Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence”, Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research , vol. 62, 2023, pp. 77-80.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2964982B. Frommer, et al., “Phased grapevine genome sequence assembly of an Rpv12 carrier for exploration of Rpv12 associated positional and functional Plasmopara viticola resistance genes”, Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 14, 2023, : 1180982.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2978044X. Shi, et al., “The complete reference genome for grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) genetics and breeding”, Horticulture Research, vol. 10, 2023, : uhad061.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | NCBI BioProject
2023 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2966932K. Sielemann, et al., Genome assembly and structural and functional annotation files for crop wild relatives of sugar beet, Bielefeld University, 2023.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2023 | Preprint | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2980439K. Sielemann, et al., “Pangenome of cultivated beet and crop wild relatives reveals parental relationships of a tetraploid wild beet”, bioRxiv, 2023.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2967809A. Velt, et al., “An improved reference of the grapevine genome reasserts the origin of the PN40024 highly-homozygous genotype”, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, vol. 13, 2023, : jkad067.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2022 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2962793B. Frommer, B. Weisshaar, and D. Holtgräwe, Chromosome-scale haplotype genome sequence assemblies of ‘Börner’ and corresponding genome sequence annotations, Bielefeld University, 2022.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2022 | Preprint | PUB-ID: 2964291B. Frommer, et al., “A fully phased interspecific grapevine rootstock genome sequence representing *V. riparia* and *V. cinerea* and allele-aware annotation of the phylloxera resistance locus *Rdv1*”, bioRxiv, 2022.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2963558H. Schilbert, et al., “Mapping-by-sequencing reveals genomic regions associated with seed quality parameters in <em>Brassica napus</em>”, Genes, vol. 13, 2022, : 1131.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2022 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2963492B. Pucker, et al., Supplementary material related to MBS analysis of seed quality parameters in Brassica napus, Bielefeld University, 2022.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2022 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2962800B. Frommer, et al., Phase-separated genome sequence assembly of the grapevine cultivar Gf.99-03 and its annotation, Bielefeld University, 2022.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2958188K. Sielemann, et al., “Complete pan-plastome sequences enable high resolution phylogenetic classification of sugar beet and closely related crop wild relatives”, BMC Genomics, vol. 23, 2022, : 113.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2022 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2962639T. Rosleff Sörensen, et al., Contig sequences derived from selected ‘Börner’ BACs assigned to either of the two parental haplotypes *V. riparia* or *V. cinerea* of the *Vitis* rootstock ‘Börner’, Bielefeld University, 2022.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2952955J. Theine, et al., “Transcriptomic analysis of temporal shifts in berry development between two grapevine cultivars of the Pinot family reveals potential genes controlling ripening time”, BMC Plant Biology, vol. 21, 2021, : 327.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2956071H. Schilbert, et al., “Characterization of the Brassica napus flavonol synthase gene family reveals bifunctional flavonol synthases”, Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 12, 2021, : 733762.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2948771S. Matar, et al., “The transition to flowering in winter rapeseed during vernalization”, Plant, Cell & Environment, vol. 44, 2021, pp. 506-518.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | GenBank
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2948720B. Pucker, et al., “RNA-Seq Time Series of Vitis vinifera Bud Development Reveals Correlation of Expression Patterns with the Local Temperature Profile”, Plants, vol. 9, 2020, : 1548.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2941655D. Holtgräwe, et al., “A Partially Phase-Separated Genome Sequence Assembly of the Vitis Rootstock ‘Börner’ (Vitis riparia × Vitis cinerea) and Its Exploitation for Marker Development and Targeted Mapping”, Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 11, 2020, : 156.PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project | GenBank
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2942459B. Frommer, et al., “Genome Sequences of Both Organelles of the Grapevine Rootstock Cultivar ‘Börner’”, Microbiology Resource Announcements, vol. 9, 2020, : e01471-19.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | EBI - ENA Project | GenBank
2020 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2941430B. Frommer, D. Holtgräwe, and B. Weisshaar, Dataset describing RNA editing sites in the chloroplast genome of 'Boerner' (Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea), Bielefeld University, 2020.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2020 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2941437B. Frommer, D. Holtgräwe, and B. Weisshaar, Dataset describing RNA editing sites in the mitochondrial genome of 'Boerner' (Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea), Bielefeld University, 2020.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2943420D.P. Vu, et al., “Vacuolar sucrose homeostasis is critical for plant development, seed properties, and night-time survival in Arabidopsis”, Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 71, 2020, pp. 4930-4943.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2019 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2938180D. Holtgräwe, et al., Heterozygous SNVs between BoeWGS1.0 and PN40024, Bielefeld University, 2019.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2019 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2938178D. Holtgräwe, et al., Homozygous SNVs between BoeWGS1.0 and PN40024, Bielefeld University, 2019.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2019 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2938185D. Holtgräwe, et al., Description and mapping positions of BoeWGS1.0 contigs, Bielefeld University, 2019.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2019 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2935698B. Pucker, et al., “Chromosome-level sequence assembly reveals the structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana Nd-1 genome and its gene set”, PLoS One, vol. 14, 2019, : e0216233.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | GenBank
2019 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2949309B. Pucker, et al., Chromosome-level Assembly Reveals the Niederzenz (Nd-1) Genome Structure and Gene Set, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Seeland OT Gatersleben, 2019.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2019 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2936315N. Kamal, et al., “Characterization of genes and alleles involved in the control of flowering time in grapevine.”, PLoS One, vol. 14, 2019, : e0214703.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | Preprint | NCBI BioProject
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2911903G.G. Capistrano-Gossmann, et al., “Crop wild relative populations of Beta vulgaris allow direct mapping of agronomically important genes”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, 2017, : 15708.PUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | NCBI BioProject
2017 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2949668J.C. Dohm, et al., Beta vulgaris spp. maritima draft genome sequence assembly and structural prediction of protein coding genes, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Seeland OT Gatersleben., 2017.PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2915524B. Pucker, D. Holtgräwe, and B. Weisshaar, “Consideration of non-canonical splice sites improves gene prediction on the Arabidopsis thaliana Niederzenz-1 genome sequence”, BMC Research Notes, vol. 10, 2017, : 667.PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | PubMed | Europe PMC
2016 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2905844B. Pucker, et al., “A de novo Genome Sequence Assembly of the Arabidopsis thaliana Accession Niederzenz-1 Displays Presence/Absence Variation and Strong Synteny”, PLoS One, vol. 11, 2016, : e0164321.PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | NCBI BioProject
2016 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2905177K.B. Stadermann, D. Holtgräwe, and B. Weisshaar, “Chloroplast genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana accession Landsberg erecta assembled from Single-Molecule, Real-Time sequencing data”, Genome Announcements, vol. 4, 2016, : e00975-16.PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | GenBank
2016 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2901603D. Ries, et al., “Rapid gene identification in sugar beet using deep sequencing of DNA from phenotypic pools selected from breeding panels”, BMC Genomics, vol. 17, 2016, : 236.PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | EBI - ENA Project
2015 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2775617K.B. Stadermann, B. Weisshaar, and D. Holtgräwe, “SMRT sequencing only de novo assembly of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) chloroplast genome”, BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 16, 2015, : 295.PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC | GenBank
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2689802I. Fechter, et al., “QTL analysis of flowering time and ripening traits suggests an impact of a genomic region on linkage group 1 in Vitis.”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 127, 2014, pp. 1857-1872.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2643946J.C. Dohm, et al., “The genome of the recently domesticated crop plant sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)”, Nature, vol. 505, 2014, pp. 546-549.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2699085D. Holtgräwe, et al., “Reliable In Silico Identification of Sequence Polymorphisms and Their Application for Extending the Genetic Map of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris)”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014, : e110113.PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2678005T. Heitkam, et al., “Profiling of extensively diversified plant LINEs reveals distinct plant-specific subclades”, The Plant Journal, vol. 79, 2014, pp. 385-397.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2684495N. Dally, et al., “The B2 flowering time locus of beet encodes a zinc finger transcription factor”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, 2014, pp. 10365-10370.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2013 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2562610B. Weber, et al., “Highly diverse chromoviruses of Beta vulgaris are classified by chromodomains and chromosomal integration”, Mobile DNA, vol. 4, 2013, : 8.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2012 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2454417J.C. Dohm, et al., “Palaeohexaploid Ancestry for Caryophyllales Inferred from Extensive Gene-Based Physical and Genetic Mapping of the Sugar Beet Genome (Beta vulgaris)”, The Plant Journal, vol. 70, 2012, pp. 528-540.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2012 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2532965C. Wollrab, et al., “Evolutionary reshuffling in the Errantivirus lineage Elbe within the Beta vulgaris genome”, The Plant Journal, vol. 72, 2012, pp. 636-651.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2012 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2457584G. Menzel, et al., “Survey of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hAT transposons and MITE-like hATpin derivatives”, Plant Molecular Biology, vol. 78, 2012, pp. 393-405.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2011 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2318497D. Holtgräwe, B. Weisshaar, and H. Himmelbauer, “Die Entschlüsselung der Süßen: GABI-Future-Projekt erstellt Referenzsequenz des Genoms der Zuckerrübe”, GenomXPress, vol. 2011, 2011, pp. 4-6.PUB
2010 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 1794548C. Lange, et al., “High-throughput identification of genetic markers using representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 121, 2010, pp. 549-565.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2008 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 1586335G. Menzel, et al., “Diversity of a complex centromeric satellite and molecular characterization of dispersed sequence families in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)”, Annals of Botany, vol. 102, 2008, pp. 521-530.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2008 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 1635969C. Lange, et al., “Construction and characterization of a sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) fosmid library”, Genome, vol. 51, 2008, pp. 948-951.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2003 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 1864372S.C. Hardin, et al., “Phosphorylation of sucrose synthase at serine 170: occurrence and possible role as a signal for proteolysis.”, Plant J, vol. 35, 2003, pp. 588-603.PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC