Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence
Müllner S, Frommer B, Holtgräwe D, Viehöver P, Hüttel B, Töpfer R, Weisshaar B, Zyprian E (2023)
Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research 62(Special Issue): 77-80.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Müllner, Sophia;
Frommer, BiancaUniBi
Holtgräwe, DanielaUniBi
Viehöver, PriscaUniBi;
Hüttel, Bruno;
Töpfer, Reinhard;
Weisshaar, BerndUniBi
Zyprian, Eva

Abstract / Bemerkung
*Plasmopara viticola*, the grapevine downy mildew pathogen, causes severe losses in viticulture if not counteracted by fungicide sprays that need to be repeatedly applied during each growing season. To reduce the amount of plant protection, modern grapevine breeding generates fungus‑resistant grapevine cultivars by introgression of resistance loci from wild *Vitis* spec. sources. However, the presence of only a single resistance locus may provoke the emergence of pathogen races able to overcome the resistance trait of the host. Therefore, a combination of several, independently acting resistance loci is required for sustainable genetic resistance. Quite little is known about the resistance‑conferring genes within the various grapevine resistance loci. To ameliorate this situation and make stacking of resistance loci more efficient, the *Rpv12* locus originating from the Asian *Vitis amurensis* was sequenced and characterized. The complete genome of breeding line Gf.99‑03, carrying *Rpv12* in heterozygous state, was analyzed. Haplotypes were resolved by assigning the reads to one of the parents of Gf.99‑03 using trio binning. Annotation of the resulting genomic sequences was based on RNA-Seq data and predicted gene models. The haplotype carrying the *Rpv12* locus, delimited by markers UDV‑014 and UDV‑370 on chromosome 14 (Venuti *et al*., 2013), diverges strongly from the susceptible haplotype as well as from the reference genome PN40024 12X.v2. It was found to contain two important gene clusters. One cluster includes pathogen-inducible genes similar to the gene *ACCELERATED CELL DEATH 6* (*A. thaliana*) likely involved in hypersensitive response upon pathogen attack. The second cluster comprises positional resistance candidate genes corresponding to typical NLRs (nucleotide binding site, leucine rich repeats), hypothesized to be involved in pathogen perception and cellular defense signalling.
Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research
Special Issue
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
XIII. International Symposium on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics
Landau in der Pfalz, Germany
2022-07-10 – 2022-07-15
Page URI
Müllner S, Frommer B, Holtgräwe D, et al. Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research . 2023;62(Special Issue):77-80.
Müllner, S., Frommer, B., Holtgräwe, D., Viehöver, P., Hüttel, B., Töpfer, R., Weisshaar, B., et al. (2023). Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research , 62(Special Issue), 77-80.
Müllner, Sophia, Frommer, Bianca, Holtgräwe, Daniela, Viehöver, Prisca, Hüttel, Bruno, Töpfer, Reinhard, Weisshaar, Bernd, and Zyprian, Eva. 2023. “Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence”. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research 62 (Special Issue): 77-80.
Müllner, S., Frommer, B., Holtgräwe, D., Viehöver, P., Hüttel, B., Töpfer, R., Weisshaar, B., and Zyprian, E. (2023). Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research 62, 77-80.
Müllner, S., et al., 2023. Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research , 62(Special Issue), p 77-80.
S. Müllner, et al., “Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence”, Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research , vol. 62, 2023, pp. 77-80.
Müllner, S., Frommer, B., Holtgräwe, D., Viehöver, P., Hüttel, B., Töpfer, R., Weisshaar, B., Zyprian, E.: Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research . 62, 77-80 (2023).
Müllner, Sophia, Frommer, Bianca, Holtgräwe, Daniela, Viehöver, Prisca, Hüttel, Bruno, Töpfer, Reinhard, Weisshaar, Bernd, and Zyprian, Eva. “Analysis of the Rpv12 locus in a haplotype‑separated grapevine genome sequence”. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research 62.Special Issue (2023): 77-80.
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