Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor
Krause L, Diaz NN, Edwards RA, Gartemann K-H, Krömeke H, Neuweger H, Pühler A, Runte KJ, Schlüter A, Stoye J, Szczepanowski R, et al. (2008)
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Krause, Lutz;
Diaz, Naryttza N.;
Edwards, Robert A.;
Gartemann, Karl-HeinzUniBi
Krömeke, Holger;
Neuweger, HeikoUniBi;
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Runte, Kai J.;
Schlüter, AndreasUniBi
Stoye, JensUniBi
Szczepanowski, RafaelUniBi;
Tauch, AndreasUniBi

Centrum für Biotechnologie > Institut für Genomforschung und Systembiologie
Technische Fakultät > AG Genominformatik
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe J. Stoye
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Pühler
Technische Fakultät > Computational Genomics
Fakultät für Biologie > Gentechnologie/Mikrobiologie
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Tauch
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Institut für Bioinformatik
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Goesmann
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Technologieplattformen > Bioinformatics Resource Facility
Technische Fakultät > AG Genominformatik
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe J. Stoye
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Pühler
Technische Fakultät > Computational Genomics
Fakultät für Biologie > Gentechnologie/Mikrobiologie
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Tauch
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Institut für Bioinformatik
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Goesmann
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Technologieplattformen > Bioinformatics Resource Facility
Abstract / Bemerkung
A total community DNA sample from an agricultural biogas reactor continuously fed with maize silage, green rye, and small proportions of chicken manure has recently been sequenced using massively parallel pyrosequencing. In this Study, the sample was computationally characterized without a prior assembly step, providing quantitative insights into the taxonomic composition and gene content of the underlying microbial community. Clostridiales from the phylum Firmicutes is the most prevalent phylogenetic order, Methanomicrobiales are dominant among methanogenic archaea. An analysis of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) revealed that the entire microbial community is only partially covered by the sequenced sample, despite that estimates suggest only a moderate overall diversity of the community. Furthermore, the results strongly indicate that archaea related to the genus Methanoculleus, using CO2 as electron acceptor and H-2 as electron donor, are the main producers of methane in the analyzed biogas reactor sample. A phylogenetic analysis of glycosyl hydrolase protein families suggests that Clostridia play an important role in the digestion of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. Finally, the results unveiled that most of the organisms constituting the sample are still unexplored. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
maize silage;
environmental sample;
methane production;
biogas reactor;
anaerobic food chain
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Krause L, Diaz NN, Edwards RA, et al. Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2008;136(1-2):91-101.
Krause, L., Diaz, N. N., Edwards, R. A., Gartemann, K. - H., Krömeke, H., Neuweger, H., Pühler, A., et al. (2008). Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 136(1-2), 91-101.
Krause, Lutz, Diaz, Naryttza N., Edwards, Robert A., Gartemann, Karl-Heinz, Krömeke, Holger, Neuweger, Heiko, Pühler, Alfred, et al. 2008. “Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor”. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 136 (1-2): 91-101.
Krause, L., Diaz, N. N., Edwards, R. A., Gartemann, K. - H., Krömeke, H., Neuweger, H., Pühler, A., Runte, K. J., Schlüter, A., Stoye, J., et al. (2008). Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 136, 91-101.
Krause, L., et al., 2008. Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 136(1-2), p 91-101.
L. Krause, et al., “Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor”, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 136, 2008, pp. 91-101.
Krause, L., Diaz, N.N., Edwards, R.A., Gartemann, K.-H., Krömeke, H., Neuweger, H., Pühler, A., Runte, K.J., Schlüter, A., Stoye, J., Szczepanowski, R., Tauch, A., Goesmann, A.: Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. 136, 91-101 (2008).
Krause, Lutz, Diaz, Naryttza N., Edwards, Robert A., Gartemann, Karl-Heinz, Krömeke, Holger, Neuweger, Heiko, Pühler, Alfred, Runte, Kai J., Schlüter, Andreas, Stoye, Jens, Szczepanowski, Rafael, Tauch, Andreas, and Goesmann, Alexander. “Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor”. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 136.1-2 (2008): 91-101.
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A pyrosequencing-based metagenomic study of methane-producing microbial community in solid-state biogas reactor.
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Phylogenetic characterization of a biogas plant microbial community integrating clone library 16S-rDNA sequences and metagenome sequence data obtained by 454-pyrosequencing.
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Molecular identification and dynamics of microbial communities in reactor treating organic household waste.
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