Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition

Krause AF, Hoinville T, Harischandra N, Dürr V (2014)
In: Proc. ICAART.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
We propose Contour-Net as a bio-inspired model for rhythmic movement control of a pair of insectoid feelers, able to successively sample the contour of arbitrarily shaped objects. Initial object contact initiates a smooth transition from a large-amplitude, low-frequency searching behaviour to a local, small-amplitude and high-frequency sampling behaviour. Both behavioural states are defined by the parameters of a Hopf Oscillator. Subsequent contact signals trigger a 180 phaseforwarding of the oscillator, resulting in repeated sampling of the object. The local sampling behaviour effectively serves as a contour-tracing method with high robustness, even for complicated shapes. Collected contour data points can be directly fed into an artificial neural network to classify the shape of an object. Given a sufficiently large training data-set, tactile shape recognition can be achieved in a position, orientation and size -invariant manner. Only minimal pre-processing (normalisation) of contour data points is required.
insect antenna; tactile sampling; shape recognition; tactile sense; bio-inspired
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Angers, France
2014-03-06 – 2014-03-08
Page URI


Krause AF, Hoinville T, Harischandra N, Dürr V. Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition. In: Proc. ICAART. 2014.
Krause, A. F., Hoinville, T., Harischandra, N., & Dürr, V. (2014). Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition. Proc. ICAART
Krause, André Frank, Hoinville, Thierry, Harischandra, Nalin, and Dürr, Volker. 2014. “Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition”. In Proc. ICAART.
Krause, A. F., Hoinville, T., Harischandra, N., and Dürr, V. (2014). “Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition” in Proc. ICAART.
Krause, A.F., et al., 2014. Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition. In Proc. ICAART.
A.F. Krause, et al., “Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition”, Proc. ICAART, 2014.
Krause, A.F., Hoinville, T., Harischandra, N., Dürr, V.: Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition. Proc. ICAART. (2014).
Krause, André Frank, Hoinville, Thierry, Harischandra, Nalin, and Dürr, Volker. “Contour-Net: a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition”. Proc. ICAART. 2014.

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