Alessandro Moscatelli
30 Publikationen
2019 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2938749Illusory changes in the perceived speed of motion derived from proprioception and touchPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Scotto di Cesare C, Ernst MO (2019)
2016 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2901606Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand KinematicsPUB | DOI
Moscatelli A, Bianchi M, Serio A, Bicchi A, Ernst MO (2016)
In: Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Bianchi M, Moscatelli A (Eds); Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. Cham: Springer: 87-98. -
2016 | Herausgeber*in Sammelwerk | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2900892Human and Robot Hands - Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and RoboticsPUB | DOI
Bianchi M, Moscatelli A (Eds) (2016) Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems.
Cham: Springer International Publishing. -
2016 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2901605Digit Position and Force Synergies During Unconstrained GraspingPUB | DOI
Naceri A, Santello M, Moscatelli A, Ernst MO (2016)
In: Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Bianchi M, Moscatelli A (Eds); Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems. Cham: Springer: 29-40. -
2016 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2901075The Change in Fingertip Contact Area as a Novel Proprioceptive CuePUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Bianchi M, Serio A, Terekhov A, Hayward V, Ernst MO, Bicchi A (2016)
Current Biology 26(9): 1159-1163. -
2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | PUB-ID: 2905813The Aikido inspiration to safety and efficiency: an investigation of forward roll impact forcesPUB
Soltoggio A, Bläsing B, Moscatelli A, Schack T (2016)
Presented at the Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (ISCSS ), Loughborough, UK, September, 2016. -
2016 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2782569The Aikido inspiration to safety and efficiency: an investigation on forward roll impact forcesPUB | DOI
Soltoggio A, Bläsing B, Moscatelli A, Schack T (2016)
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sports (ISCSS). Chung P, Soltoggio A, Dawson CW, Meng Q, Pain M (Eds); Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 392. Cham: Springer International Publishing: 119-127. -
2015 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2775511Depth discrimination of constant angular size stimuli in action space: role of accommodation and convergence cuesPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Naceri A, Moscatelli A, Chellali R (2015)
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9: 511. -
2015 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2782551Illusory Tactile Motion Perception: An Analog of the Visual Filehne IllusionPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Hayward V, Wexler M, Ernst MO (2015)
Scientific Reports 5(1): 14584. -
2015 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2782580The role of vibration in tactile speed perceptionPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Dallmann C, Ernst MO, Moscatelli A (2015)
Journal of Neurophysiology 114(6): 3131-3139. -
2014 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2639964Coordination of Multi-digit Positions and Forces During Unconstrained Grasping in Response to Object PerturbationsPUB
Naceri A, Moscatelli A, Santello M, Ernst MO (2014)
In: IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), Houston, Texas. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE: 35-40. -
2014 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2687660The haptic analog of the visual Aubert-Fleischl phenomenonPUB
Moscatelli A, Scheller M, Kowalski G, Ernst MO (2014)
In: Proceedings of the EuroHaptics Society Meeting. Springer. -
2014 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2687666A change in the fingertip contact area induces an illusory displacement of the fingerPUB
Moscatelli A, Bianchi M, Serio A, Al Atassi O, Fani S, Terekov A, Hayward V, Ernst MO, Bicchi A (2014)
In: Proceedings of the EuroHaptics Society Meeting. Springer. -
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2689660Path integration in tactile perception of shapesPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Naceri A, Ernst MO (2014)
Behavioural Brain Research 274: 355-364. -
2014 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2713395Multi-digit Position and Force Coordination in Three- and Four-Digit GraspingPUB | DOI | WoS
Naceri A, Moscatelli A, Santello M, Ernst MO (2014)
In: Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications. Auvray M, Duriez C (Eds); Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8618. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 101-108. -
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2671803Implied Dynamics Biases the Visual Perception of VelocityPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
La Scaleia B, Zago M, Moscatelli A, Lacquaniti F, Viviani P (2014)
PLoS ONE 9(3): e93020. -
2014 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2651120How long did it last? You’d better ask a humanPUB | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Lacquaniti F, Carrozzo M, D'Avella A, La Scaleia B, Moscatelli A, Zago M (2014)
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 8: 2. -
2014 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2910429Multi-digit Position and Force Coordination in Three- and Four-Digit GraspingPUB | DOI
Naceri A, Moscatelli A, Santello M, Ernst MO (2014)
In: Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 101-108. -
2013 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2640592Modulation of Digit Normal Forces and Locations During Unconstrained GraspingPUB
Naceri A, Moscatelli A, Ernst MO (2013)
In: Hand synergies workshop-ICRA, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013. 56-61. -
2013 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2616928Navigation in the FingertipPUB
Moscatelli A, Naceri A, Ernst MO (2013)
Presented at the IEEE World Haptics Conference, Daejeon, Korea. -
2013 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2651134Visual gravitational motion and the vestibular system in humansPUB | DOI | PubMed | Europe PMC
Lacquaniti F, Bosco G, Indovina I, La Scaleia B, Maffei V, Moscatelli A, Zago M (2013)
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 7: 101. -
2013 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2616932Opposite Roles of NMDA Receptors in Relapsing and Primary Progressive Multiple SclerosisPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Rossi S, Studer V, Moscatelli A, Centonze D (2013)
PLoS ONE 8(6): e67357. -
2013 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619757Short interval intracortical facilitation correlates with the degree of disability in multiple sclerosisPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Mori F, Kusayanagi H, Monteleone F, Moscatelli A, Nicoletti CG, Bernardi G, Centonze D (2013)
Brain Stimulation 6(1): 67-71. -
2012 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2552392Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed modelPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Mezzetti M, Lacquaniti F (2012)
Journal of Vision 12(11): 1-17. -
2011 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619713Time perception of action photographs is more precise than that of still photographsPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Polito L, Lacquaniti F (2011)
Experimental Brain Research 210(1): 25-32. -
2011 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619698The weight of time: Gravitational force enhances discrimination of visual motion durationPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Moscatelli A, Lacquaniti F (2011)
Journal of Vision 11(4): 5. -
2011 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619747White matter changes in patients with hypoxic amnesiaPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Di Paola M, Moscatelli A, Bigler ED, Caltagirone C, Carlesimo GA (2011)
Neurocase 17(1): 46-56. -
2011 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619843The weight of time: implied gravitational force enhances discrimination of visual motion durationPUB | DOI
Moscatelli A, Lacquaniti F (2011)
Journal of Vision 11(11): 1217-1217. -
2011 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619832Tempo rubato: Animacy speeds up time in the brainPUB | DOI
Carrozzo M, Moscatelli A, Lacquaniti F (2011)
In: Journal of Vision. Journal of Vision, 11(11). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO): 1228-1228. -
2010 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2619708Tempo Rubato : Animacy Speeds Up Time in the BrainPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Carrozzo M, Moscatelli A, Lacquaniti F (2010)
PLoS ONE 5(12): e15638.