Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model

Moscatelli A, Mezzetti M, Lacquaniti F (2012)
Journal of Vision 12(11): 1-17.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Moscatelli, AlessandroUniBi ; Mezzetti, Maura; Lacquaniti, Francesco
Journal of Vision
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Moscatelli A, Mezzetti M, Lacquaniti F. Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Vision. 2012;12(11):1-17.
Moscatelli, A., Mezzetti, M., & Lacquaniti, F. (2012). Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Vision, 12(11), 1-17.
Moscatelli, Alessandro, Mezzetti, Maura, and Lacquaniti, Francesco. 2012. “Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model”. Journal of Vision 12 (11): 1-17.
Moscatelli, A., Mezzetti, M., and Lacquaniti, F. (2012). Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Vision 12, 1-17.
Moscatelli, A., Mezzetti, M., & Lacquaniti, F., 2012. Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Vision, 12(11), p 1-17.
A. Moscatelli, M. Mezzetti, and F. Lacquaniti, “Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model”, Journal of Vision, vol. 12, 2012, pp. 1-17.
Moscatelli, A., Mezzetti, M., Lacquaniti, F.: Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Vision. 12, 1-17 (2012).
Moscatelli, Alessandro, Mezzetti, Maura, and Lacquaniti, Francesco. “Modeling psychophysical data at the population-level: the generalized linear mixed model”. Journal of Vision 12.11 (2012): 1-17.

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