Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics

Moscatelli A, Bianchi M, Serio A, Bicchi A, Ernst MO (2016)
In: Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Bianchi M, Moscatelli A (Eds); Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. Cham: Springer: 87-98.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Moscatelli, AlessandroUniBi ; Bianchi, Matteo; Serio, Alessandro; Bicchi, Antonio; Ernst, Marc O.UniBi
Bianchi, Matteo; Moscatelli, Alessandro
Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics
Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems
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Moscatelli A, Bianchi M, Serio A, Bicchi A, Ernst MO. Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics. In: Bianchi M, Moscatelli A, eds. Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. Cham: Springer; 2016: 87-98.
Moscatelli, A., Bianchi, M., Serio, A., Bicchi, A., & Ernst, M. O. (2016). Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics. In M. Bianchi & A. Moscatelli (Eds.), Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics (pp. 87-98). Cham: Springer.
Moscatelli, Alessandro, Bianchi, Matteo, Serio, Alessandro, Bicchi, Antonio, and Ernst, Marc O. 2016. “Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics”. In Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics, ed. Matteo Bianchi and Alessandro Moscatelli, 87-98. Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. Cham: Springer.
Moscatelli, A., Bianchi, M., Serio, A., Bicchi, A., and Ernst, M. O. (2016). “Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics” in Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics, Bianchi, M., and Moscatelli, A. eds. Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems (Cham: Springer), 87-98.
Moscatelli, A., et al., 2016. Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics. In M. Bianchi & A. Moscatelli, eds. Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. Cham: Springer, pp. 87-98.
A. Moscatelli, et al., “Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics”, Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics, M. Bianchi and A. Moscatelli, eds., Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems, Cham: Springer, 2016, pp.87-98.
Moscatelli, A., Bianchi, M., Serio, A., Bicchi, A., Ernst, M.O.: Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics. In: Bianchi, M. and Moscatelli, A. (eds.) Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. p. 87-98. Springer, Cham (2016).
Moscatelli, Alessandro, Bianchi, Matteo, Serio, Alessandro, Bicchi, Antonio, and Ernst, Marc O. “Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics”. Human and Robot Hands. Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics. Ed. Matteo Bianchi and Alessandro Moscatelli. Cham: Springer, 2016. Springer Serie on Touch and Haptic Systems. 87-98.
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Human and Robot Hands - Sensorimotor Synergies to Bridge the Gap Between Neuroscience and Robotics
Bianchi M, Moscatelli A (Eds) (2016) Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems.
Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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