The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons

Isaak R, Kleinert S, Wilde M (2022)
European Journal of Educational Research 11(1): 587-597.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 406.11 KB
Abstract / Bemerkung
For biology students, the diversity, complexity, and abundance of content in this field yield a heavy study load. Hence, appropriate learning strategies are key in supporting learners’ academic success. In biology, the factors gender and interesthold a unique position within the natural sciences, as there is an academic imbalance to the disadvantage of male students. In thepresent study, we examined the influence of gender and interest as well as its interdependences on the students’ use of learning strategies for biology learning. A total of 180 seventh through tenth grade students (Mage=14.47; SD=1.35; 60% female) from four general-track secondary schools located in Germany participated in this study. Data on the students’ level of interest and the use oflearning strategies in biology lessons were collected. We used multivariate analysis of covariance with the students’ age as the covariate to analyse our data. Results revealed a significant effect of gender on the students’ use of the learning strategies rehearsal, organisation, effort, and time management. With regard to elaboration and effort, the effects of interest were found to be significant. The gender gap regarding learning strategy use was narrower for students with high levels of interest. These findings might have implications for beneficial teacher behaviour in biology.
Biology lessons; gender; interest in biology; learning strategies
European Journal of Educational Research
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Isaak R, Kleinert S, Wilde M. The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons. European Journal of Educational Research. 2022;11(1):587-597.
Isaak, R., Kleinert, S., & Wilde, M. (2022). The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 587-597.
Isaak, Ricarda, Kleinert, Svea, and Wilde, Matthias. 2022. “The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons”. European Journal of Educational Research 11 (1): 587-597.
Isaak, R., Kleinert, S., and Wilde, M. (2022). The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons. European Journal of Educational Research 11, 587-597.
Isaak, R., Kleinert, S., & Wilde, M., 2022. The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), p 587-597.
R. Isaak, S. Kleinert, and M. Wilde, “The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons”, European Journal of Educational Research, vol. 11, 2022, pp. 587-597.
Isaak, R., Kleinert, S., Wilde, M.: The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons. European Journal of Educational Research. 11, 587-597 (2022).
Isaak, Ricarda, Kleinert, Svea, and Wilde, Matthias. “The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons”. European Journal of Educational Research 11.1 (2022): 587-597.
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