Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework

Jaenicke S, Albaum S, Blumenkamp P, Linke B, Stoye J, Goesmann A (2018)
Microbiome 6(1): 76.

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Jaenicke, SebastianUniBi; Albaum, StefanUniBi ; Blumenkamp, Patrick; Linke, Burkhard; Stoye, JensUniBi ; Goesmann, Alexander
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Jaenicke S, Albaum S, Blumenkamp P, Linke B, Stoye J, Goesmann A. Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework. Microbiome. 2018;6(1): 76.
Jaenicke, S., Albaum, S., Blumenkamp, P., Linke, B., Stoye, J., & Goesmann, A. (2018). Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework. Microbiome, 6(1), 76. doi:10.1186/s40168-018-0460-1
Jaenicke, Sebastian, Albaum, Stefan, Blumenkamp, Patrick, Linke, Burkhard, Stoye, Jens, and Goesmann, Alexander. 2018. “Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework”. Microbiome 6 (1): 76.
Jaenicke, S., Albaum, S., Blumenkamp, P., Linke, B., Stoye, J., and Goesmann, A. (2018). Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework. Microbiome 6:76.
Jaenicke, S., et al., 2018. Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework. Microbiome, 6(1): 76.
S. Jaenicke, et al., “Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework”, Microbiome, vol. 6, 2018, : 76.
Jaenicke, S., Albaum, S., Blumenkamp, P., Linke, B., Stoye, J., Goesmann, A.: Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework. Microbiome. 6, : 76 (2018).
Jaenicke, Sebastian, Albaum, Stefan, Blumenkamp, Patrick, Linke, Burkhard, Stoye, Jens, and Goesmann, Alexander. “Flexible metagenome analysis using the MGX framework”. Microbiome 6.1 (2018): 76.

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