Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste
Torres Tejerizo GA, Kim YS, Maus I, Wibberg D, Winkler A, Off S, Pühler A, Scherer P, Schlüter A (2017)
Journal of Biotechnology 247: 1-5.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Torres Tejerizo, Gonzalo ArturoUniBi;
Kim, Yong Sung;
Maus, IrenaUniBi;
Wibberg, DanielUniBi;
Winkler, AnikaUniBi;
Off, Sandra;
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Scherer, Paul;
Schlüter, AndreasUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
Methanogenic Archaea are of importance at the end of the anaerobic digestion (AD) chain for biomass conversion. They finally produce methane, the end-product of AD. Among this group of microorganisms, members of the genus Methanobacterium are ubiquitously present in anaerobic habitats, such as bioreactors. The genome of a novel methanogenic archaeon, namely Methanobacterium congolense Buetzberg, originally isolated from a mesophilic biogas plant, was completely sequenced to analyze putative adaptive genome features conferring competitiveness of this isolate within the biogas reactor environment. Sequencing and assembly of the M. congolense Buetzberg genome yielded a chromosome with a size of 2,451,457 bp and a mean GC-content of 38.51%. Additionally, a plasmid with a size of 18,118 bp, featuring a GC content of 36.05% was identified. The M. congolense Buetzberg plasmid showed no sequence similarities with the plasmids described previously suggesting that it represents a new plasmid type. Analysis of the M. congolense Buetzberg chromosome architecture revealed a high collinearity with the Methanobacterium paludis chromosome. Furthermore, annotation of the genome and functional predictions disclosed several genes involved in cell wall and membrane biogenesis. Compilation of specific genes among Methanobacterium strains originating from AD environments revealed 474 genetic determinants that could be crucial for adaptation of these strains to specific conditions prevailing in AD habitats. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biogas production;
Journal of Biotechnology
Page URI
Torres Tejerizo GA, Kim YS, Maus I, et al. Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste. Journal of Biotechnology. 2017;247:1-5.
Torres Tejerizo, G. A., Kim, Y. S., Maus, I., Wibberg, D., Winkler, A., Off, S., Pühler, A., et al. (2017). Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste. Journal of Biotechnology, 247, 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.02.015
Torres Tejerizo, Gonzalo Arturo, Kim, Yong Sung, Maus, Irena, Wibberg, Daniel, Winkler, Anika, Off, Sandra, Pühler, Alfred, Scherer, Paul, and Schlüter, Andreas. 2017. “Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste”. Journal of Biotechnology 247: 1-5.
Torres Tejerizo, G. A., Kim, Y. S., Maus, I., Wibberg, D., Winkler, A., Off, S., Pühler, A., Scherer, P., and Schlüter, A. (2017). Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste. Journal of Biotechnology 247, 1-5.
Torres Tejerizo, G.A., et al., 2017. Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste. Journal of Biotechnology, 247, p 1-5.
G.A. Torres Tejerizo, et al., “Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste”, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 247, 2017, pp. 1-5.
Torres Tejerizo, G.A., Kim, Y.S., Maus, I., Wibberg, D., Winkler, A., Off, S., Pühler, A., Scherer, P., Schlüter, A.: Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste. Journal of Biotechnology. 247, 1-5 (2017).
Torres Tejerizo, Gonzalo Arturo, Kim, Yong Sung, Maus, Irena, Wibberg, Daniel, Winkler, Anika, Off, Sandra, Pühler, Alfred, Scherer, Paul, and Schlüter, Andreas. “Genome sequence of Methanobacterium congolense strain Buetzberg, a hydrogenotrophic, methanogenic archaeon, isolated from a mesophilic industrial-scale biogas plant utilizing bio-waste”. Journal of Biotechnology 247 (2017): 1-5.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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