Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis
Teuber Z, Tang X, Sielemann L, Otterpohl N, Wild E (2022)
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51: 1333–1353.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
The important role of parenting is widely acknowledged, but as most studies have understood and examined it as a stable attribute (e.g., parenting style), the stability of and changes in parenting are less well understood. Using longitudinal person-oriented approaches (i.e., latent profile analyses and latent transition analyses), this study aimed to examine the stability of and changes in autonomy-related parenting profiles and their effects on adolescents’ academic and psychological development. Four autonomy-related dimensions (i.e., autonomy support, warmth, psychological control, conditional regard) were chosen to identify parenting profiles on the basis of Self-Determination Theory. Using five-year longitudinal data from 789 German secondary school students (50.06% female,Mageat T1 = 10.82 years, age span = 10–17), four autonomy-related parenting profiles were found:Supportive(~17%),Controlling(~31%),Unsupportive-Uncontrolling(~17%), andLimited Supportive(~35%). The results suggest that theSupportiveprofile contributes to adolescents’ positive academic and psychological development, whereas theControllingprofile, which thwarts autonomy development, exacerbates the development of psychopathology, and impairs academic achievement. More importantly, theLimited Supportiveprofile is as maladaptive as theUnsupportive-Uncontrollingprofile. Regarding parenting profiles’ stability and changes, the results showed that about half of each profile stayed in the same group. Overall, it could be observed that parents became more supportive and less controlling over time. However, the findings also indicate that parenting profiles are less stable than expected and can still change during early-to-mid adolescence.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
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Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Teuber Z, Tang X, Sielemann L, Otterpohl N, Wild E. Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence . 2022;51:1333–1353.
Teuber, Z., Tang, X., Sielemann, L., Otterpohl, N., & Wild, E. (2022). Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence , 51, 1333–1353.
Teuber, Ziwen, Tang, Xin, Sielemann, Lena, Otterpohl, Nantje, and Wild, Elke. 2022. “Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51: 1333–1353.
Teuber, Z., Tang, X., Sielemann, L., Otterpohl, N., and Wild, E. (2022). Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51, 1333–1353.
Teuber, Z., et al., 2022. Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence , 51, p 1333–1353.
Z. Teuber, et al., “Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis”, Journal of Youth and Adolescence , vol. 51, 2022, pp. 1333–1353.
Teuber, Z., Tang, X., Sielemann, L., Otterpohl, N., Wild, E.: Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence . 51, 1333–1353 (2022).
Teuber, Ziwen, Tang, Xin, Sielemann, Lena, Otterpohl, Nantje, and Wild, Elke. “Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents’ Academic and Psychological Development: A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51 (2022): 1333–1353.
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