The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor

Tomazetto G, Hahnke S, Langer T, Wibberg D, Blom J, Maus I, Pühler A, Klocke M, Schlüter A (2017)
Journal of Biotechnology 257: 178-186.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Tomazetto, Geizecler; Hahnke, Sarah; Langer, Thomas; Wibberg, DanielUniBi; Blom, Jochen; Maus, IrenaUniBi; Pühler, AlfredUniBi ; Klocke, Michael; Schlüter, AndreasUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Peptoniphilus obesi ph1 showing 91.2% gene sequence identity. The most closely related species with a validly published name is Peptoniphilus indolicus DSM 20464T whose 16S rRNA gene sequence is 90.6% similar to the one of strain ING2-D1G. The genome of the novel strain was completely sequenced and manually annotated to reconstruct its metabolic potential regarding anaerobic digestion of biomass. The strain harbors a circular chromosome with a size of 1.6 Mb that contains 1466 coding sequences, 53 tRNA genes and 4 ribosomal RNA (rrn) operons. The genome carries a 28,261 bp prophage insertion comprising 47 phage-related coding sequences. Reconstruction of fermentation pathways revealed that strain ING2-D1G encodes all enzymes for hydrogen, lactate and acetate production, corroborating that it is involved in the acido- and acetogenic phase of the biogas process. Comparative genome analyses of Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G and its closest relative Peptoniphilus obesi ph1 uncovered rearrangements, deletions and insertions within the chromosomes of both strains substantiating a divergent evolution. In addition to genomic analyses, a physiological and phenotypic characterization of the novel isolate was performed. Grown in Brain Heart Infusion Broth with added yeast extract, cells were spherical to ovoid, catalase- and oxidase-negative and stained Gram-positive. Optimal growth occurred between 35 and 37 degrees C and at a pH value of 7.6. Fermentation products were acetate, butanoate and carbon dioxide.
Peptoniphilaceae; Anaerobic digestion; Biogas production; Metabolic; pathway reconstruction; Acidogenesis
Journal of Biotechnology
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Tomazetto G, Hahnke S, Langer T, et al. The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor. Journal of Biotechnology. 2017;257:178-186.
Tomazetto, G., Hahnke, S., Langer, T., Wibberg, D., Blom, J., Maus, I., Pühler, A., et al. (2017). The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 257, 178-186. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.05.027
Tomazetto, Geizecler, Hahnke, Sarah, Langer, Thomas, Wibberg, Daniel, Blom, Jochen, Maus, Irena, Pühler, Alfred, Klocke, Michael, and Schlüter, Andreas. 2017. “The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor”. Journal of Biotechnology 257: 178-186.
Tomazetto, G., Hahnke, S., Langer, T., Wibberg, D., Blom, J., Maus, I., Pühler, A., Klocke, M., and Schlüter, A. (2017). The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor. Journal of Biotechnology 257, 178-186.
Tomazetto, G., et al., 2017. The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 257, p 178-186.
G. Tomazetto, et al., “The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor”, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 257, 2017, pp. 178-186.
Tomazetto, G., Hahnke, S., Langer, T., Wibberg, D., Blom, J., Maus, I., Pühler, A., Klocke, M., Schlüter, A.: The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor. Journal of Biotechnology. 257, 178-186 (2017).
Tomazetto, Geizecler, Hahnke, Sarah, Langer, Thomas, Wibberg, Daniel, Blom, Jochen, Maus, Irena, Pühler, Alfred, Klocke, Michael, and Schlüter, Andreas. “The completely annotated genome and comparative genomics of the Peptoniphilaceae bacterium str. ING2-D1G, a novel acidogenic bacterium isolated from a mesophilic biogas reactor”. Journal of Biotechnology 257 (2017): 178-186.

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