Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis
Maus I, Kim YS, Wibberg D, Stolze Y, Off S, Antonczyk S, Pühler A, Scherer P, Schlüter A (2017)
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27(2): 321-334.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Maus, IrenaUniBi;
Kim, Yong Sung;
Wibberg, DanielUniBi;
Stolze, YvonneUniBi;
Off, Sandra;
Antonczyk, Sebastian;
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Scherer, Paul;
Schlüter, AndreasUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
Process surveillance within agricultural biogas plants (BGPs) was concurrently studied by high-throughput 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and an optimized quantitative microscopic fingerprinting (QMF) technique. In contrast to 16S rRNA gene amplicons, digitalized microscopy is a rapid and cost-effective method that facilitates enumeration and morphological differentiation of the most significant groups of methanogens regarding their shape and characteristic autofluorescent factor 420. Moreover, the fluorescence signal mirrors cell vitality. In this study, four different BGPs were investigated. The results indicated stable process performance in the mesophilic BGPs and in the thermophilic reactor. Bacterial subcommunity characterization revealed significant differences between the four BGPs. Most remarkably, the genera Defluviitoga and Halocella dominated the thermophilic bacterial subcommunity, whereas members of another taxon, Syntrophaceticus, were found to be abundant in the mesophilic BGP. The domain Archaea was dominated by the genus Methanoculleus in all four BGPs, followed by Methanosaeta in BGP1 and BGP3. In contrast, Methanothermobacter members were highly abundant in the thermophilic BGP4. Furthermore, a high consistency between the sequencing approach and the QMF method was shown, especially for the thermophilic BGP. The differences elucidated that using this biphasic approach for mesophilic BGPs provided novel insights regarding disaggregated single cells of Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta species. Both dominated the archaeal subcommunity and replaced coccoid Methanoculleus members belonging to the same group of Methanomicrobiales that have been frequently observed in similar BGPs. This work demonstrates that combining QMF and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing is a complementary strategy to describe archaeal community structures within biogas processes.
Anaerobic digestion;
taxonomic profile;
archaeal morphology;
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Maus I, Kim YS, Wibberg D, et al. Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017;27(2):321-334.
Maus, I., Kim, Y. S., Wibberg, D., Stolze, Y., Off, S., Antonczyk, S., Pühler, A., et al. (2017). Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27(2), 321-334. doi:10.4014/jmb.1605.05083
Maus, Irena, Kim, Yong Sung, Wibberg, Daniel, Stolze, Yvonne, Off, Sandra, Antonczyk, Sebastian, Pühler, Alfred, Scherer, Paul, and Schlüter, Andreas. 2017. “Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis”. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27 (2): 321-334.
Maus, I., Kim, Y. S., Wibberg, D., Stolze, Y., Off, S., Antonczyk, S., Pühler, A., Scherer, P., and Schlüter, A. (2017). Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27, 321-334.
Maus, I., et al., 2017. Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27(2), p 321-334.
I. Maus, et al., “Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis”, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 27, 2017, pp. 321-334.
Maus, I., Kim, Y.S., Wibberg, D., Stolze, Y., Off, S., Antonczyk, S., Pühler, A., Scherer, P., Schlüter, A.: Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 27, 321-334 (2017).
Maus, Irena, Kim, Yong Sung, Wibberg, Daniel, Stolze, Yvonne, Off, Sandra, Antonczyk, Sebastian, Pühler, Alfred, Scherer, Paul, and Schlüter, Andreas. “Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis”. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27.2 (2017): 321-334.
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