A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants
Osterholz B, Wiebke P, Fust A, Rumming M, Schlüter A, Sczyrba A (2015)
Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode.
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| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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herausgebende Körperschaft
Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen Institut für Epidemiologie und Pathogendiagnostik
Technische Fakultät > Int. Graduiertenkolleg DiDy (GRK 1906)
Technische Fakultät > Computational Metagenomics
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Graduate Center
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Sczyrba
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Pühler
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Institut für Bioinformatik
Technische Fakultät > Computational Metagenomics
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Graduate Center
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Sczyrba
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Arbeitsgruppe A. Pühler
Centrum für Biotechnologie > Institut für Bioinformatik
3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance
2015-05-17 – 2015-05-21
Page URI
Osterholz B, Wiebke P, Fust A, Rumming M, Schlüter A, Sczyrba A. A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode.
Osterholz, B., Wiebke, P., Fust, A., Rumming, M., Schlüter, A., & Sczyrba, A. (2015). A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode.
Osterholz, Benedikt, Wiebke, Pätzold, Fust, Annika, Rumming, Madis, Schlüter, Andreas, and Sczyrba, Alexander. 2015. “A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants”. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode , ed. Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen Institut für Epidemiologie und Pathogendiagnostik.
Osterholz, B., Wiebke, P., Fust, A., Rumming, M., Schlüter, A., and Sczyrba, A. (2015).“A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants”. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode.
Osterholz, B., et al., 2015. A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode.
B. Osterholz, et al., “A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants”, Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode, 2015.
Osterholz, B., Wiebke, P., Fust, A., Rumming, M., Schlüter, A., Sczyrba, A.: A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode (2015).
Osterholz, Benedikt, Wiebke, Pätzold, Fust, Annika, Rumming, Madis, Schlüter, Andreas, and Sczyrba, Alexander. “A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Detection of β-lactamase Genes in Metagenome Sequence Data and its Application to Production-Scale Biogas Plants”. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on the environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Wernigerode, 2015.