Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters
Wittler R, Stoye J (2010)
In: Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010. LNBI, 6398. Springer Verlag: 252-263.
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Wittler R, Stoye J. Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters. In: Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010. LNBI. Vol 6398. Springer Verlag; 2010: 252-263.
Wittler, R., & Stoye, J. (2010). Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters. Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010, LNBI, 6398, 252-263. Springer Verlag.
Wittler, Roland, and Stoye, Jens. 2010. “Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters”. In Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010, 6398:252-263. LNBI. Springer Verlag.
Wittler, R., and Stoye, J. (2010). “Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters” in Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010 LNBI, vol. 6398, (Springer Verlag), 252-263.
Wittler, R., & Stoye, J., 2010. Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters. In Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010. LNBI. no.6398 Springer Verlag, pp. 252-263.
R. Wittler and J. Stoye, “Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters”, Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010, LNBI, vol. 6398, Springer Verlag, 2010, pp.252-263.
Wittler, R., Stoye, J.: Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters. Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010. LNBI. 6398, p. 252-263. Springer Verlag (2010).
Wittler, Roland, and Stoye, Jens. “Consistency of Sequence-based Gene Clusters”. Proc. of Recomb-CG 2010. Springer Verlag, 2010.Vol. 6398. LNBI. 252-263.
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