The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability

Souka M, Decker R, Flaswinkel AM (2024)
Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference
2022-06-28 – 2022-06-30
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Souka M, Decker R, Flaswinkel AM. The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura.
Souka, M., Decker, R., & Flaswinkel, A. M. (2024). The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura.
Souka, Mohamed, Decker, Reinhold, and Flaswinkel, Anne Mareike. 2024. “The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability”. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura .
Souka, M., Decker, R., and Flaswinkel, A. M. (2024).“The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability”. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura.
Souka, M., Decker, R., & Flaswinkel, A.M., 2024. The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura.
M. Souka, R. Decker, and A.M. Flaswinkel, “The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability”, Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura, 2024.
Souka, M., Decker, R., Flaswinkel, A.M.: The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura (2024).
Souka, Mohamed, Decker, Reinhold, and Flaswinkel, Anne Mareike. “The Role of Two-Sided Messages in Addressing Greenwashing Perceptions and Promoting Sustainability”. Presented at the 30th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Fuerteventura, 2024.

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