On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School

Kirchhoff T, Wilde M, Großmann N (2024)
Research in Science Education 54: 459-473.

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Research in Science Education
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Kirchhoff T, Wilde M, Großmann N. On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School. Research in Science Education. 2024;54:459-473.
Kirchhoff, T., Wilde, M., & Großmann, N. (2024). On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School. Research in Science Education, 54, 459-473. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-023-10140-7
Kirchhoff, Tim, Wilde, Matthias, and Großmann, Nadine. 2024. “On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School”. Research in Science Education 54: 459-473.
Kirchhoff, T., Wilde, M., and Großmann, N. (2024). On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School. Research in Science Education 54, 459-473.
Kirchhoff, T., Wilde, M., & Großmann, N., 2024. On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School. Research in Science Education, 54, p 459-473.
T. Kirchhoff, M. Wilde, and N. Großmann, “On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School”, Research in Science Education, vol. 54, 2024, pp. 459-473.
Kirchhoff, T., Wilde, M., Großmann, N.: On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School. Research in Science Education. 54, 459-473 (2024).
Kirchhoff, Tim, Wilde, Matthias, and Großmann, Nadine. “On the Interest-Promoting Effect of Outreach Science Labs: A Comparison of Students’ Interest during Experimentation at an Outreach Science Lab and at School”. Research in Science Education 54 (2024): 459-473.

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