Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts

Hefter MH, Berthold K (2023)
Interactive Learning Environments.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Numerous effective digital learning environments have evolved over the last few years built around video examples that follow an introduction phase and are often supplemented by prompts. The learning mechanisms behind these components remain subject to open questions, though. We thus conducted an online experiment with university students (N = 138) and compared four conditions: (A) training intervention with an introduction, video examples, and self-explanation prompts (training condition, n = 34), (B) condition A without self-explanation prompts (no prompt condition, n = 35), (C) condition B without video examples (introduction condition, n = 35), and (D) no training intervention (control condition, n = 34). We applied a-priori contrasts to test assumed effects of video examples and self-explanation prompts on learning processes and learning outcomes. Referring to learning processes, video examples already fostered self-explanation quality, but additional self-explanation prompts provided an extra boost. Referring to learning outcomes, the introduction alone already fostered knowledge, but only the additional video examples provided an extra boost in knowledge gain. Finally, self-explanation quality mediated the video examples’ effect on knowledge gain. Our findings provide further empirical support how a fruitful combination of video examples and self-explanation prompts promote learning processes and outcomes—despite the asynchronous and unsupervised online setting with potential diversions and off-task behavior.
Interactive Learning Environments
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Hefter MH, Berthold K. Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts. Interactive Learning Environments. 2023.
Hefter, M. H., & Berthold, K. (2023). Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts. Interactive Learning Environments.
Hefter, Markus Herbert, and Berthold, Kirsten. 2023. “Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts”. Interactive Learning Environments.
Hefter, M. H., and Berthold, K. (2023). Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts. Interactive Learning Environments.
Hefter, M.H., & Berthold, K., 2023. Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts. Interactive Learning Environments.
M.H. Hefter and K. Berthold, “Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts”, Interactive Learning Environments, 2023.
Hefter, M.H., Berthold, K.: Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts. Interactive Learning Environments. (2023).
Hefter, Markus Herbert, and Berthold, Kirsten. “Promoting online learning processes and outcomes via video examples and prompts”. Interactive Learning Environments (2023).

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