Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking.

Dallmann C, Dürr V, Schmitz J (2019)
The Journal of experimental biology 222(Pt 7): jeb188748.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
During walking, the leg motor system must continually adjust to changes in mechanical conditions, such as the inclination of the ground. To understand the underlying control, it is important to know how changes in leg muscle activity relate to leg kinematics (movements) and leg dynamics (forces, torques). Here, we studied these parameters in hindlegs of stick insects (Carausius morosus) during level and uphill/downhill (±45deg) walking, using a combination of electromyography, 3D motion capture and ground reaction force measurements. We find that some kinematic parameters including leg joint angles and body height vary across walking conditions. However, kinematics vary little compared with dynamics: horizontal leg forces and torques at the thorax-coxa joint (leg protraction/retraction) and femur-tibia joint (leg flexion/extension) tend to be stronger during uphill walking and are reversed in sign during downhill walking. At the thorax-coxa joint, the different mechanical demands are met by adjustments in the timing and magnitude of antagonistic muscle activity. Adjustments occur primarily in the first half of stance after the touch-down of the leg. When insects transition from level to incline walking, the characteristic adjustments in muscle activity occur with the first step of the leg on the incline, but not in anticipation. Together, these findings indicate that stick insects adjust leg muscle activity on a step-by-step basis so as to maintain a similar kinematic pattern under different mechanical demands. The underlying control might rely primarily on feedback from leg proprioceptors signaling leg position and movement. © 2019. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
The Journal of experimental biology
Pt 7
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Dallmann C, Dürr V, Schmitz J. Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking. The Journal of experimental biology. 2019;222(Pt 7): jeb188748.
Dallmann, C., Dürr, V., & Schmitz, J. (2019). Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking. The Journal of experimental biology, 222(Pt 7), jeb188748. doi:10.1242/jeb.188748
Dallmann, Chris, Dürr, Volker, and Schmitz, Josef. 2019. “Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking.”. The Journal of experimental biology 222 (Pt 7): jeb188748.
Dallmann, C., Dürr, V., and Schmitz, J. (2019). Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking. The Journal of experimental biology 222:jeb188748.
Dallmann, C., Dürr, V., & Schmitz, J., 2019. Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking. The Journal of experimental biology, 222(Pt 7): jeb188748.
C. Dallmann, V. Dürr, and J. Schmitz, “Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking.”, The Journal of experimental biology, vol. 222, 2019, : jeb188748.
Dallmann, C., Dürr, V., Schmitz, J.: Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking. The Journal of experimental biology. 222, : jeb188748 (2019).
Dallmann, Chris, Dürr, Volker, and Schmitz, Josef. “Motor control of an insect leg during level and incline walking.”. The Journal of experimental biology 222.Pt 7 (2019): jeb188748.

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