Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels?

Hefter MH, ten Hagen I, Krense C, Berthold K, Renkl A (2019)
Journal of Educational Psychology 111(8): 1396–1405.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hefter, Markus H.UniBi ; ten Hagen, Inga; Krense, Claudia; Berthold, KirstenUniBi; Renkl, Alexander
Journal of Educational Psychology
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Hefter MH, ten Hagen I, Krense C, Berthold K, Renkl A. Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels? Journal of Educational Psychology. 2019;111(8):1396–1405.
Hefter, M. H., ten Hagen, I., Krense, C., Berthold, K., & Renkl, A. (2019). Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels? Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(8), 1396–1405. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000350
Hefter, Markus H., ten Hagen, Inga, Krense, Claudia, Berthold, Kirsten, and Renkl, Alexander. 2019. “Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels?”. Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (8): 1396–1405.
Hefter, M. H., ten Hagen, I., Krense, C., Berthold, K., and Renkl, A. (2019). Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels? Journal of Educational Psychology 111, 1396–1405.
Hefter, M.H., et al., 2019. Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels? Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(8), p 1396–1405.
M.H. Hefter, et al., “Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels?”, Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 111, 2019, pp. 1396–1405.
Hefter, M.H., ten Hagen, I., Krense, C., Berthold, K., Renkl, A.: Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels? Journal of Educational Psychology. 111, 1396–1405 (2019).
Hefter, Markus H., ten Hagen, Inga, Krense, Claudia, Berthold, Kirsten, and Renkl, Alexander. “Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentation knowledge by self-explaining examples: videos, texts, or graphic novels?”. Journal of Educational Psychology 111.8 (2019): 1396–1405.

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