Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors
Lasek R, Dziewit L, Ciok A, Decewicz P, Romaniuk K, Jedrys Z, Wibberg D, Schlüter A, Pühler A, Bartosik D (2017)
Journal of Biotechnology 263: 64-74.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Lasek, Robert;
Dziewit, Lukasz;
Ciok, Anna;
Decewicz, Przemyslaw;
Romaniuk, Krzysztof;
Jedrys, Zuzanna;
Wibberg, DanielUniBi;
Schlüter, AndreasUniBi
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Bartosik, Dariusz

Abstract / Bemerkung
Psychrobacter sp. DAB_AL43B, isolated from ornithogenic soil collected on the Arctic island of Spitsbergen, is a newly sequenced psychrophilic strain susceptible to conjugation and electrotransformation. Its genome consists of a circular chromosome (3.3 Mb) and four plasmids (4.4-6.4 kb). In silico genome mining and microarray-based phenotypic analysis were performed to describe the metabolic potential of this strain and identify possible biotechnological applications. Metabolic reconstruction indicated that DAB_AL43B prefers low-molecular-weight carboxylates and amino acids as carbon and energy sources. Genetic determinants of heavy-metal resistance, anthracene degradation and possible aerobic denitrification were also identified. Comparative analyses revealed a relatively close relationship between DAB_AL43B and other sequenced Psychrobacter species. In addition, the plasmids of this strain were used as the basis for the construction of Escherichia coli-Psychrobacter spp. shuttle vectors. Taken together, the results of this work suggest that DAB_AL43B is a promising candidate as a new model strain for studies on Psychrobacter spp.
Psychrobacter sp;
Complete genome;
Phenotypic microarrays;
Comparative genomics
Journal of Biotechnology
Page URI
Lasek R, Dziewit L, Ciok A, et al. Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors. Journal of Biotechnology. 2017;263:64-74.
Lasek, R., Dziewit, L., Ciok, A., Decewicz, P., Romaniuk, K., Jedrys, Z., Wibberg, D., et al. (2017). Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors. Journal of Biotechnology, 263, 64-74. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.09.011
Lasek, Robert, Dziewit, Lukasz, Ciok, Anna, Decewicz, Przemyslaw, Romaniuk, Krzysztof, Jedrys, Zuzanna, Wibberg, Daniel, Schlüter, Andreas, Pühler, Alfred, and Bartosik, Dariusz. 2017. “Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors”. Journal of Biotechnology 263: 64-74.
Lasek, R., Dziewit, L., Ciok, A., Decewicz, P., Romaniuk, K., Jedrys, Z., Wibberg, D., Schlüter, A., Pühler, A., and Bartosik, D. (2017). Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors. Journal of Biotechnology 263, 64-74.
Lasek, R., et al., 2017. Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors. Journal of Biotechnology, 263, p 64-74.
R. Lasek, et al., “Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors”, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 263, 2017, pp. 64-74.
Lasek, R., Dziewit, L., Ciok, A., Decewicz, P., Romaniuk, K., Jedrys, Z., Wibberg, D., Schlüter, A., Pühler, A., Bartosik, D.: Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors. Journal of Biotechnology. 263, 64-74 (2017).
Lasek, Robert, Dziewit, Lukasz, Ciok, Anna, Decewicz, Przemyslaw, Romaniuk, Krzysztof, Jedrys, Zuzanna, Wibberg, Daniel, Schlüter, Andreas, Pühler, Alfred, and Bartosik, Dariusz. “Genome content, metabolic pathways and biotechnological potential of the psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp DAB_AL43B, a source and a host of novel Psychrobacter-specific vectors”. Journal of Biotechnology 263 (2017): 64-74.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
3 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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