Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant
Maus I, Wibberg D, Stantscheff R, Cibis K, Eikmeyer FG, König H, Pühler A, Schlüter A (2013)
Journal of Biotechnology 168(4): 734-736.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Maus, IrenaUniBi;
Wibberg, DanielUniBi;
Stantscheff, Robbin;
Cibis, Katharina;
Eikmeyer, Felix GregorUniBi
König, Helmut;
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Schlüter, AndreasUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
Methanobacterium sp. Mb1, a hydrogenotrophic methanogenic Archaeon, was isolated from a rural biogas plant producing methane-rich biogas from maize silage and cattle manure in Germany. Here we report the complete genome sequence of the novel methanogenic isolate Methanobacterium sp. Mb1 harboring a 2,029,766 bp circular chromosome featuring a GC content of 39.74%. The genome encodes two rRNA operons, 41 tRNA genes and 2021 coding sequences and represents the smallest genome currently known within the genus Methanobacterium. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biogas plant
Journal of Biotechnology
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Maus I, Wibberg D, Stantscheff R, et al. Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant. Journal of Biotechnology. 2013;168(4):734-736.
Maus, I., Wibberg, D., Stantscheff, R., Cibis, K., Eikmeyer, F. G., König, H., Pühler, A., et al. (2013). Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant. Journal of Biotechnology, 168(4), 734-736. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2013.10.013
Maus, Irena, Wibberg, Daniel, Stantscheff, Robbin, Cibis, Katharina, Eikmeyer, Felix Gregor, König, Helmut, Pühler, Alfred, and Schlüter, Andreas. 2013. “Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant”. Journal of Biotechnology 168 (4): 734-736.
Maus, I., Wibberg, D., Stantscheff, R., Cibis, K., Eikmeyer, F. G., König, H., Pühler, A., and Schlüter, A. (2013). Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant. Journal of Biotechnology 168, 734-736.
Maus, I., et al., 2013. Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant. Journal of Biotechnology, 168(4), p 734-736.
I. Maus, et al., “Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant”, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 168, 2013, pp. 734-736.
Maus, I., Wibberg, D., Stantscheff, R., Cibis, K., Eikmeyer, F.G., König, H., Pühler, A., Schlüter, A.: Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant. Journal of Biotechnology. 168, 734-736 (2013).
Maus, Irena, Wibberg, Daniel, Stantscheff, Robbin, Cibis, Katharina, Eikmeyer, Felix Gregor, König, Helmut, Pühler, Alfred, and Schlüter, Andreas. “Complete genome sequence of the hydrogenotrophic Archaeon Methanobacterium sp Mb1 isolated from a production-scale biogas plant”. Journal of Biotechnology 168.4 (2013): 734-736.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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Schluter A, Bekel T, Diaz NN, Dondrup M, Eichenlaub R, Gartemann KH, Krahn I, Krause L, Kromeke H, Kruse O, Mussgnug JH, Neuweger H, Niehaus K, Puhler A, Runte KJ, Szczepanowski R, Tauch A, Tilker A, Viehover P, Goesmann A., J. Biotechnol. 136(1-2), 2008
PMID: 18597880
Schluter A, Bekel T, Diaz NN, Dondrup M, Eichenlaub R, Gartemann KH, Krahn I, Krause L, Kromeke H, Kruse O, Mussgnug JH, Neuweger H, Niehaus K, Puhler A, Runte KJ, Szczepanowski R, Tauch A, Tilker A, Viehover P, Goesmann A., J. Biotechnol. 136(1-2), 2008
PMID: 18597880
The complete genome of hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri AV19 and monophyly of archaeal methanogens.
Slesarev AI, Mezhevaya KV, Makarova KS, Polushin NN, Shcherbinina OV, Shakhova VV, Belova GI, Aravind L, Natale DA, Rogozin IB, Tatusov RL, Wolf YI, Stetter KO, Malykh AG, Koonin EV, Kozyavkin SA., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99(7), 2002
PMID: 11930014
Slesarev AI, Mezhevaya KV, Makarova KS, Polushin NN, Shcherbinina OV, Shakhova VV, Belova GI, Aravind L, Natale DA, Rogozin IB, Tatusov RL, Wolf YI, Stetter KO, Malykh AG, Koonin EV, Kozyavkin SA., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99(7), 2002
PMID: 11930014
Complete genome sequence of a nonculturable Methanococcus maripaludis strain extracted in a metagenomic survey of petroleum reservoir fluids.
Wang X, Greenfield P, Li D, Hendry P, Volk H, Sutherland TD., J. Bacteriol. 193(19), 2011
PMID: 21914896
Wang X, Greenfield P, Li D, Hendry P, Volk H, Sutherland TD., J. Bacteriol. 193(19), 2011
PMID: 21914896
Complete genome sequencing of Agrobacterium sp. H13-3, the former Rhizobium lupini H13-3, reveals a tripartite genome consisting of a circular and a linear chromosome and an accessory plasmid but lacking a tumor-inducing Ti-plasmid.
Wibberg D, Blom J, Jaenicke S, Kollin F, Rupp O, Scharf B, Schneiker-Bekel S, Sczcepanowski R, Goesmann A, Setubal JC, Schmitt R, Puhler A, Schluter A., J. Biotechnol. 155(1), 2011
PMID: 21329740
Wibberg D, Blom J, Jaenicke S, Kollin F, Rupp O, Scharf B, Schneiker-Bekel S, Sczcepanowski R, Goesmann A, Setubal JC, Schmitt R, Puhler A, Schluter A., J. Biotechnol. 155(1), 2011
PMID: 21329740
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