Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors
Jungeblut T, Dreesen R, Porrmann M, Rückert U, Hachmann U (2008)
In: University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Jungeblut, ThorstenUniBi
Dreesen, Ralf;
Porrmann, MarioUniBi
Rückert, UlrichUniBi;
Hachmann, Ulrich
Abstract / Bemerkung
This demonstrator shows our general purpose VLIWprocessor for applications on mobile phones. Four arithmetical logical units can process scalar or SIMD instructions in parallel. The system is designed for 300 MHz and achieves a performance of 1.2 GIPS or 2.4 GVOPS. Key component of our design flow is the
processor specification language UPSLA.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference
Page URI
Jungeblut T, Dreesen R, Porrmann M, Rückert U, Hachmann U. Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors. In: University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference. 2008.
Jungeblut, T., Dreesen, R., Porrmann, M., Rückert, U., & Hachmann, U. (2008). Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors. University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference
Jungeblut, Thorsten, Dreesen, Ralf, Porrmann, Mario, Rückert, Ulrich, and Hachmann, Ulrich. 2008. “Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors”. In University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference.
Jungeblut, T., Dreesen, R., Porrmann, M., Rückert, U., and Hachmann, U. (2008). “Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors” in University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference.
Jungeblut, T., et al., 2008. Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors. In University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference.
T. Jungeblut, et al., “Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors”, University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference, 2008.
Jungeblut, T., Dreesen, R., Porrmann, M., Rückert, U., Hachmann, U.: Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors. University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference. (2008).
Jungeblut, Thorsten, Dreesen, Ralf, Porrmann, Mario, Rückert, Ulrich, and Hachmann, Ulrich. “Design Space Exploration for Resource Efficient VLIW-Processors”. University Booth of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference. 2008.