Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara

Meisinger-Henschel C, Schmidt M, Lukassen S, Linke B, Krause L, Konietzny S, Goesmann A, Howley P, Chaplin P, Suter M, Hausmann J (2007)

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Meisinger-Henschel, Christine; Schmidt, Michaela; Lukassen, Susanne; Linke, BurkhardUniBi; Krause, Lutz; Konietzny, Sebastian; Goesmann, AlexanderUniBi ; Howley, Paul; Chaplin, Paul; Suter, Mark; Hausmann, Juergen
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Meisinger-Henschel C, Schmidt M, Lukassen S, et al. Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY. 2007;88(12):3249-3259.
Meisinger-Henschel, C., Schmidt, M., Lukassen, S., Linke, B., Krause, L., Konietzny, S., Goesmann, A., et al. (2007). Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY, 88(12), 3249-3259.
Meisinger-Henschel, Christine, Schmidt, Michaela, Lukassen, Susanne, Linke, Burkhard, Krause, Lutz, Konietzny, Sebastian, Goesmann, Alexander, et al. 2007. “Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara”. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY 88 (12): 3249-3259.
Meisinger-Henschel, C., Schmidt, M., Lukassen, S., Linke, B., Krause, L., Konietzny, S., Goesmann, A., Howley, P., Chaplin, P., Suter, M., et al. (2007). Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY 88, 3249-3259.
Meisinger-Henschel, C., et al., 2007. Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY, 88(12), p 3249-3259.
C. Meisinger-Henschel, et al., “Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara”, JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY, vol. 88, 2007, pp. 3249-3259.
Meisinger-Henschel, C., Schmidt, M., Lukassen, S., Linke, B., Krause, L., Konietzny, S., Goesmann, A., Howley, P., Chaplin, P., Suter, M., Hausmann, J.: Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY. 88, 3249-3259 (2007).
Meisinger-Henschel, Christine, Schmidt, Michaela, Lukassen, Susanne, Linke, Burkhard, Krause, Lutz, Konietzny, Sebastian, Goesmann, Alexander, Howley, Paul, Chaplin, Paul, Suter, Mark, and Hausmann, Juergen. “Genomic sequence of chorioallantois vaccinia virus Ankara, the ancestor of modified vaccinia virus Ankara”. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY 88.12 (2007): 3249-3259.

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