Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research

Hackel M, Schwope S, Fritsch J, Wrede B, Sagerer G (2006)
In: Advanced Robotics. Advanced Robotics, 20(11). VSP BV: 1219-1235.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hackel, Matthias; Schwope, Stefan; Fritsch, JannikUniBi; Wrede, BrittaUniBi ; Sagerer, GerhardUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
This paper presents the humanoid robot BARTHOC and the smaller, but system-equal twin, BARTHOC Junior. Both robots have been developed to study human-robot interaction. The main focus of BARTHOC's design was to realize the expression and behavior of the robot to be as human-like as possible. This allows us to apply the platform to manifold research and demonstration areas. With its human-like look and mimic possibilities it differs from other platforms like ASIMO or QRIO and enables experiments even close to Mori's 'uncanny valley'. The paper describes details of the mechanical and electrical design of BARTHOC together with its PC control interface and an overview of the interaction architecture. Its humanoid appearance allows limited imitation of human behavior. The basic interaction software running on BARTHOC has been completely ported from a mobile robot except for some functionalities that could not be used due to hardware differences such as the lack of mobility. Based on these components, the robot's human-like appearance will enable us to study embodied interaction and to explore theories of human intelligence.
human-robot interaction; embodied communication; humanoid robot
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Advanced Robotics
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Advanced Robotics
Page URI


Hackel M, Schwope S, Fritsch J, Wrede B, Sagerer G. Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research. In: Advanced Robotics. Advanced Robotics. Vol 20. VSP BV; 2006: 1219-1235.
Hackel, M., Schwope, S., Fritsch, J., Wrede, B., & Sagerer, G. (2006). Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research. Advanced Robotics, Advanced Robotics, 20, 1219-1235. VSP BV.
Hackel, Matthias, Schwope, Stefan, Fritsch, Jannik, Wrede, Britta, and Sagerer, Gerhard. 2006. “Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research”. In Advanced Robotics, 20:1219-1235. Advanced Robotics. VSP BV.
Hackel, M., Schwope, S., Fritsch, J., Wrede, B., and Sagerer, G. (2006). “Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research” in Advanced Robotics Advanced Robotics, vol. 20, (VSP BV), 1219-1235.
Hackel, M., et al., 2006. Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research. In Advanced Robotics. Advanced Robotics. no.20 VSP BV, pp. 1219-1235.
M. Hackel, et al., “Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research”, Advanced Robotics, Advanced Robotics, vol. 20, VSP BV, 2006, pp.1219-1235.
Hackel, M., Schwope, S., Fritsch, J., Wrede, B., Sagerer, G.: Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research. Advanced Robotics. Advanced Robotics. 20, p. 1219-1235. VSP BV (2006).
Hackel, Matthias, Schwope, Stefan, Fritsch, Jannik, Wrede, Britta, and Sagerer, Gerhard. “Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research”. Advanced Robotics. VSP BV, 2006.Vol. 20. Advanced Robotics. 1219-1235.

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