Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2
Berckx F, Van Nguyen T, Hilker R, Wibberg D, Battenberg K, Kalinowski J, Berry A, Pawlowski K (2024)
Journal of Experimental Botany: erae446.
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Berckx, Fede;
Van Nguyen, Thanh;
Hilker, Rolf;
Wibberg, DanielUniBi;
Battenberg, Kai;
Kalinowski, JörnUniBi;
Berry, Alison;
Pawlowski, Katharina
Abstract / Bemerkung
Frankia cluster-2 strains are diazotrophs that engage in root nodule symbiosis with actinorhizal plants of the Cucurbitales and the Rosales. Previous studies have shown that an assimilated nitrogen source, presumably arginine, is exported to the host in nodules of Datisca glomerata (Cucurbitales), while a different metabolite is exported in the nodules of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (Rosales). To investigate if an assimilated nitrogen form is commonly exported to the host by cluster-2 strains, and which metabolite would be exported in Ceanothus, we analysed gene expression levels, metabolite profiles, and enzyme activities in nodules. We conclude that the export of assimilated nitrogen in symbiosis seems to be a common feature for Frankia cluster-2 strains, but which source is host-dependent. The export of assimilated ammonium to the host suggests that 2-oxoglutarate is drawn from the TCA cycle at a high rate. This specialised metabolism obviates the need for the reductive branch of the TCA cycle. We found several genes encoding enzymes of the central carbon and nitrogen metabolism were lacking in Frankia cluster-2 genomes: the glyoxylate shunt and succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase. This led to a linearization of the TCA cycle, and we hypothesize this could explain the low saprotrophic potential of Frankia cluster-2. © The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.
Journal of Experimental Botany
Page URI
Berckx F, Van Nguyen T, Hilker R, et al. Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2024: erae446.
Berckx, F., Van Nguyen, T., Hilker, R., Wibberg, D., Battenberg, K., Kalinowski, J., Berry, A., et al. (2024). Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2. Journal of Experimental Botany, erae446.
Berckx, Fede, Van Nguyen, Thanh, Hilker, Rolf, Wibberg, Daniel, Battenberg, Kai, Kalinowski, Jörn, Berry, Alison, and Pawlowski, Katharina. 2024. “Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2”. Journal of Experimental Botany: erae446.
Berckx, F., Van Nguyen, T., Hilker, R., Wibberg, D., Battenberg, K., Kalinowski, J., Berry, A., and Pawlowski, K. (2024). Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2. Journal of Experimental Botany:erae446.
Berckx, F., et al., 2024. Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2. Journal of Experimental Botany, : erae446.
F. Berckx, et al., “Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2”, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2024, : erae446.
Berckx, F., Van Nguyen, T., Hilker, R., Wibberg, D., Battenberg, K., Kalinowski, J., Berry, A., Pawlowski, K.: Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2. Journal of Experimental Botany. : erae446 (2024).
Berckx, Fede, Van Nguyen, Thanh, Hilker, Rolf, Wibberg, Daniel, Battenberg, Kai, Kalinowski, Jörn, Berry, Alison, and Pawlowski, Katharina. “Host dependent specialized metabolism of nitrogen export in actinorhizal nodules induced by Frankia cluster-2”. Journal of Experimental Botany (2024): erae446.
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