From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20

Lüken M, Jaeger LS (2023)
Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Numerical competencies develop at an early age and predict future mathematical performance. However, the extent of their connection to probabilistic thinking in young children (aged four to eight years) remains uncertain. This poster introduces a theoretical framework exploring potential links between understanding numbers and quantities and developing reasoning abilities in probabilistic contexts.
Budapest, Ungarn
2023-07-14 – 2023-07-20
Page URI


Lüken M, Jaeger LS. From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn.
Lüken, M., & Jaeger, L. S. (2023). From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn.
Lüken, Miriam, and Jaeger, Lena Sophie. 2023. “From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20”. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn .
Lüken, M., and Jaeger, L. S. (2023).“From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20”. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn.
Lüken, M., & Jaeger, L.S., 2023. From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn.
M. Lüken and L.S. Jaeger, “From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20”, Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn, 2023.
Lüken, M., Jaeger, L.S.: From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn (2023).
Lüken, Miriam, and Jaeger, Lena Sophie. “From "how many" to "how likely" - A Theoretical Framework to Connect Young Children's Numerical Competencies and Probabilistic Thinking20”. Presented at the CERME 13, Budapest, Ungarn, 2023.

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