Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework

Kleine M, van Randenborgh C (2023)
In: Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference. Ludwig M, Barlovits S, Caldeira A, Moura A (Eds); Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education, 10. Münster: WTM-Verlag: 41-48.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kleine, MichaelUniBi; van Randenborgh, Christian
Ludwig, Matthias; Barlovits, Simon; Caldeira, Amélia; Moura, Ana
Abstract / Bemerkung
How can STEM education be enriched by means of digital technology? This key question was addressed by the “Research On STEM Education in the Digital Age” conference (ROSEDA). It took place in Porto from February 23 to 25, 2023, and focused on teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with digital technology. During the conference, various approaches to digitized STEM education were presented, shared, and discussed. For all conference contributions, a short outlook is given in this editorial.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education
Porto, Portugal
2023-02-23 – 2023-02-25
Page URI


Kleine M, van Randenborgh C. Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework. In: Ludwig M, Barlovits S, Caldeira A, Moura A, eds. Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference. Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education. Vol 10. Münster: WTM-Verlag; 2023: 41-48.
Kleine, M., & van Randenborgh, C. (2023). Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework. In M. Ludwig, S. Barlovits, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education: Vol. 10. Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference (pp. 41-48). Münster: WTM-Verlag. https://doi.org/10.37626/GA9783959872522.0
Kleine, Michael, and van Randenborgh, Christian. 2023. “Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework”. In Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference, ed. Matthias Ludwig, Simon Barlovits, Amélia Caldeira, and Ana Moura, 10:41-48. Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education. Münster: WTM-Verlag.
Kleine, M., and van Randenborgh, C. (2023). “Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework” in Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference, Ludwig, M., Barlovits, S., Caldeira, A., and Moura, A. eds. Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education, vol. 10, (Münster: WTM-Verlag), 41-48.
Kleine, M., & van Randenborgh, C., 2023. Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework. In M. Ludwig, et al., eds. Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference. Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education. no.10 Münster: WTM-Verlag, pp. 41-48.
M. Kleine and C. van Randenborgh, “Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework”, Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference, M. Ludwig, et al., eds., Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education, vol. 10, Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2023, pp.41-48.
Kleine, M., van Randenborgh, C.: Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework. In: Ludwig, M., Barlovits, S., Caldeira, A., and Moura, A. (eds.) Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference. Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education. 10, p. 41-48. WTM-Verlag, Münster (2023).
Kleine, Michael, and van Randenborgh, Christian. “Enactive Learning in mathematics at home – theoretical framework”. Research on STEM education in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference. Ed. Matthias Ludwig, Simon Barlovits, Amélia Caldeira, and Ana Moura. Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2023.Vol. 10. Conference Proceedings in Mathematics Education. 41-48.

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