Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School

Loureiro KS, Grecu A, de Moll F, Hadjar A (2019)
Child Indicators Research.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Englisch
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Loureiro, Kevin Simoes; Grecu, Alyssa; de Moll, FrederickUniBi ; Hadjar, Andreas
Child Indicators Research
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Loureiro KS, Grecu A, de Moll F, Hadjar A. Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research. 2019.
Loureiro, K. S., Grecu, A., de Moll, F., & Hadjar, A. (2019). Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research.
Loureiro, Kevin Simoes, Grecu, Alyssa, de Moll, Frederick, and Hadjar, Andreas. 2019. “Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School”. Child Indicators Research.
Loureiro, K. S., Grecu, A., de Moll, F., and Hadjar, A. (2019). Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research.
Loureiro, K.S., et al., 2019. Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research.
K.S. Loureiro, et al., “Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School”, Child Indicators Research, 2019.
Loureiro, K.S., Grecu, A., de Moll, F., Hadjar, A.: Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research. (2019).
Loureiro, Kevin Simoes, Grecu, Alyssa, de Moll, Frederick, and Hadjar, Andreas. “Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children's Well-Being at School”. Child Indicators Research (2019).

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