Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study.

Dumcke R, Hanke I, Rahe-Meyer N, Wegner C (In Press)
Global Education Review.

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Dumcke, RicoUniBi ; Hanke, Isabelle; Rahe-Meyer, Niels; Wegner, ClaasUniBi
Global Education Review
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Dumcke R, Hanke I, Rahe-Meyer N, Wegner C. Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study. Global Education Review. In Press.
Dumcke, R., Hanke, I., Rahe-Meyer, N., & Wegner, C. (In Press). Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study. Global Education Review
Dumcke, Rico, Hanke, Isabelle, Rahe-Meyer, Niels, and Wegner, Claas. In Press. “Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study.”. Global Education Review.
Dumcke, R., Hanke, I., Rahe-Meyer, N., and Wegner, C. (In Press). Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study. Global Education Review.
Dumcke, R., et al., In Press. Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study. Global Education Review.
R. Dumcke, et al., “Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study.”, Global Education Review, In Press.
Dumcke, R., Hanke, I., Rahe-Meyer, N., Wegner, C.: Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study. Global Education Review. (In Press).
Dumcke, Rico, Hanke, Isabelle, Rahe-Meyer, Niels, and Wegner, Claas. “Current motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and hands-on performance of students participating in two bystander-cardiopulmonary resuscitation education models: A comparative interventional study.”. Global Education Review (In Press).

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