Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons

Schaller M, Görries L, Ewig M (2019)
In: Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Englisch
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Schaller, MelanieUniBi; Görries, Louisa; Ewig, Michael
Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018
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Schaller M, Görries L, Ewig M. Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons. In: Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018. 2019.
Schaller, M., Görries, L., & Ewig, M. (2019). Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons. Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018
Schaller, Melanie, Görries, Louisa, and Ewig, Michael. 2019. “Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons”. In Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018.
Schaller, M., Görries, L., and Ewig, M. (2019). “Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons” in Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018.
Schaller, M., Görries, L., & Ewig, M., 2019. Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons. In Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018.
M. Schaller, L. Görries, and M. Ewig, “Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons”, Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018, 2019.
Schaller, M., Görries, L., Ewig, M.: Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons. Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018. (2019).
Schaller, Melanie, Görries, Louisa, and Ewig, Michael. “Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Texts in Plain Language in Biology Lessons”. Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, International Language in Focus Conference, Thessaloniki, 2018. 2019.

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