When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective

Grund A, Fries S, Nückles M, Renkl A, Roelle J (2024)
Educational Psychology Review 36(1): 11.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Grund, Axel; Fries, StefanUniBi ; Nückles, Matthias; Renkl, Alexander; Roelle, Julian
Abstract / Bemerkung
In the context of instructional design and self-regulated learning research, the notion of mental effort allocation, monitoring, and control has gained increasing attention. Bringing together a cognitive perspective, focusing on Cognitive Load Theory, and a motivational perspective, merging central accounts from Situated Expectancy Value Theory and Self-Determination Theory, we plea for a three-fold conception of effort that clearly distinguishes the different psychological sources of experiencing and allocating effort in learning environments: effort-by-complexity, effort-by-need frustration, and effort-by-allocation. Such a detailed conception has important implications for how effort should be studied and how it can be influenced by instructional support or by the learning individual itself. A first conclusion we draw is that cognitively oriented research needs to be careful when taking students' self-reports on the "effortfulness" of a task as an indication of the object-level cognitive requirements of the task, as such appraisals may also reflect the affective-emotional requirements of task execution as well as motivational beliefs regarding the likelihood of success and meaningfulness of a task. A second conclusion is that instructional procedures rooted in cognition-oriented theory ideally are complemented by motivation theory to support student learning optimally.
Cognitive load; Cost; Mental effort; Motivation
Educational Psychology Review
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Grund A, Fries S, Nückles M, Renkl A, Roelle J. When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective. Educational Psychology Review . 2024;36(1): 11.
Grund, A., Fries, S., Nückles, M., Renkl, A., & Roelle, J. (2024). When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective. Educational Psychology Review , 36(1), 11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-024-09852-7
Grund, Axel, Fries, Stefan, Nückles, Matthias, Renkl, Alexander, and Roelle, Julian. 2024. “When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective”. Educational Psychology Review 36 (1): 11.
Grund, A., Fries, S., Nückles, M., Renkl, A., and Roelle, J. (2024). When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective. Educational Psychology Review 36:11.
Grund, A., et al., 2024. When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective. Educational Psychology Review , 36(1): 11.
A. Grund, et al., “When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective”, Educational Psychology Review , vol. 36, 2024, : 11.
Grund, A., Fries, S., Nückles, M., Renkl, A., Roelle, J.: When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective. Educational Psychology Review . 36, : 11 (2024).
Grund, Axel, Fries, Stefan, Nückles, Matthias, Renkl, Alexander, and Roelle, Julian. “When is Learning "Effortful"? Scrutinizing the Concept of Mental Effort in Cognitively Oriented Research from a Motivational Perspective”. Educational Psychology Review 36.1 (2024): 11.

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