Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders

Randler C, Rahafar A, Großmann N (2023)
Heliyon 9(11): e21455.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Randler, Christoph; Rahafar, Arash; Großmann, NadineUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Personality traits and recreation specialization are related to an individual's satisfaction with life. In addition, previous research has identified relationships between personality traits and recreational specialization. However, little is known about the interrelationship of the two variables in relation to life satisfaction. In this study, we addressed these relationships in birdwatchers. 555 birders (Mage = 49.11 years, SDage = 17.14; 380 males, 170 females, 2 diverse, 3 without answer) from German-speaking countries filled out an online survey. The participants rated the BFI-10, a global assessment of life satisfaction, and three dimensions of recreation specialization (skill/knowledge, behavior, commitment). Satisfaction with life was positively correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, and negatively with neuroticism. Concerning recreation specialization, positive relationships between satisfaction with life and skill/knowledge as well as behavior were found; especially the dimension of skill/knowledge was positively related to conscientiousness and negatively to neuroticism. Openness was negatively related to the three dimensions of recreation specialization. The mediation analyses showed that skill/knowledge is directly and indirectly related to satisfaction with life. Birding as active outdoor activity has positive relationship with life satisfaction, and this seems to be mainly based on the cognitive component, with a high knowledge related to a higher life satisfaction.
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Randler C, Rahafar A, Großmann N. Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders. Heliyon. 2023;9(11): e21455.
Randler, C., Rahafar, A., & Großmann, N. (2023). Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders. Heliyon, 9(11), e21455.
Randler, Christoph, Rahafar, Arash, and Großmann, Nadine. 2023. “Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders”. Heliyon 9 (11): e21455.
Randler, C., Rahafar, A., and Großmann, N. (2023). Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders. Heliyon 9:e21455.
Randler, C., Rahafar, A., & Großmann, N., 2023. Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders. Heliyon, 9(11): e21455.
C. Randler, A. Rahafar, and N. Großmann, “Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders”, Heliyon, vol. 9, 2023, : e21455.
Randler, C., Rahafar, A., Großmann, N.: Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders. Heliyon. 9, : e21455 (2023).
Randler, Christoph, Rahafar, Arash, and Großmann, Nadine. “Big five personality and recreation specialization are related to satisfaction with life in birders”. Heliyon 9.11 (2023): e21455.

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