Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents

Heye A (In Press)
In: Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds. Camp M-A, Bouvier X, Petersen S, Kull A (Eds); Zurich: Chronos.

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Camp, Marc-Antoine; Bouvier, Xavier; Petersen, Suse; Kull, Annatina
Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds
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Heye A. Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents . In: Camp M-A, Bouvier X, Petersen S, Kull A, eds. Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds. Zurich: Chronos; In Press.
Heye, A. (In Press). Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents . In M. - A. Camp, X. Bouvier, S. Petersen, & A. Kull (Eds.), Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds Zurich: Chronos.
Heye, Andreas. In Press. “Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents ”. In Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds, ed. Marc-Antoine Camp, Xavier Bouvier, Suse Petersen, and Annatina Kull. Zurich: Chronos.
Heye, A. (In Press). “Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents ” in Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds, Camp, M. - A., Bouvier, X., Petersen, S., and Kull, A. eds. (Zurich: Chronos).
Heye, A., In Press. Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents . In M. - A. Camp, et al., eds. Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds. Zurich: Chronos.
A. Heye, “Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents ”, Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds, M.-A. Camp, et al., eds., Zurich: Chronos, In Press.
Heye, A.: Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents . In: Camp, M.-A., Bouvier, X., Petersen, S., and Kull, A. (eds.) Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds. Chronos, Zurich (In Press).
Heye, Andreas. “Young Talented Musicians under Pressure? Empirical Findings About Chronic Stress of Musically Highly Gifted Adolescents ”. Musical Talent and its Promotion in Chinese and Western Worlds. Ed. Marc-Antoine Camp, Xavier Bouvier, Suse Petersen, and Annatina Kull. Zurich: Chronos, In Press.

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