Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time

Stiller A, Stiller C (2022)
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities: 1-11.

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Stiller, Anja; Stiller, CorneliaUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Research examining the quality of life (QoL) in children with autism in relation to leisure behavior is extremely rare. An online survey of parents (N = 282) was conducted to help to fill this gap. Using structural equation model (SEM), the association between the parents’ (informal) social support and children’s QoL (reported by parents) was examined. In this, parental behavior, children’s active leisure time, children’s TV consumption, as well as children’s self-worth (reported by the parents) were integrated. Findings suggested that the parents’ (informal) social support, children’s active leisure, and self-worth have a positive effect on children’s QoL. Implications of the results are discussed.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
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Stiller A, Stiller C. Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 2022:1-11.
Stiller, A., & Stiller, C. (2022). Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-11.
Stiller, Anja, and Stiller, Cornelia. 2022. “Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time”. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-11.
Stiller, A., and Stiller, C. (2022). Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-11.
Stiller, A., & Stiller, C., 2022. Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, , p 1-11.
A. Stiller and C. Stiller, “Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time”, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 2022, pp. 1-11.
Stiller, A., Stiller, C.: Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 1-11 (2022).
Stiller, Anja, and Stiller, Cornelia. “Parental report of quality of life in autistic children and youths: the role of parents’ (informal) social support, and children’s active leisure time”. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (2022): 1-11.

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