Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood

Frick A, Chavaillaz A, Mantyla T, Kubik V (2022)
Learning and Instruction 77: 101540.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Frick, Andrea; Chavaillaz, Alain; Mantyla, Timo; Kubik, VeitUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The development of multitasking abilities was investigated in relation to working memory capacity, sustained attention, inhibition, and task switching. Using a new touch-screen task, 90 children aged 7-10 years were asked to monitor several timers running at different paces, and to press a button whenever a timer had completed its cycle. Results showed that a significant part of the variance in children's multitasking performance was explained by age, and performance increased significantly until about 8-9 years. Multitasking performance was generally affected by the number of tasks, but even more so in younger children. Sustained attention explained a significant part of the variance in triple-, but not dual-task performance; visuospatial working memory capacity explained variance in dual- and triple-task performance, even after controlling for age. In conclusion, multitasking develops considerably in middle childhood and may involve different processes than dualtasking.
Children; Multitasking; Dual task; Working memory; Executive function; Development of multitasking abilities in middle; childhood
Learning and Instruction
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Frick A, Chavaillaz A, Mantyla T, Kubik V. Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood. Learning and Instruction . 2022;77: 101540.
Frick, A., Chavaillaz, A., Mantyla, T., & Kubik, V. (2022). Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood. Learning and Instruction , 77, 101540.
Frick, Andrea, Chavaillaz, Alain, Mantyla, Timo, and Kubik, Veit. 2022. “Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood”. Learning and Instruction 77: 101540.
Frick, A., Chavaillaz, A., Mantyla, T., and Kubik, V. (2022). Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood. Learning and Instruction 77:101540.
Frick, A., et al., 2022. Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood. Learning and Instruction , 77: 101540.
A. Frick, et al., “Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood”, Learning and Instruction , vol. 77, 2022, : 101540.
Frick, A., Chavaillaz, A., Mantyla, T., Kubik, V.: Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood. Learning and Instruction . 77, : 101540 (2022).
Frick, Andrea, Chavaillaz, Alain, Mantyla, Timo, and Kubik, Veit. “Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood”. Learning and Instruction 77 (2022): 101540.

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