Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes

Nuss AM, Beckstette M, Pimenova M, Schmühl C, Opitz W, Pisano F, Heroven AK, Dersch P (2017)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(5): E791-E800.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Nuss, Aaron M.; Beckstette, MichaelUniBi; Pimenova, Maria; Schmühl, Carina; Opitz, Wiebke; Pisano, Fabio; Heroven, Ann Kathrin; Dersch, Petra
Abstract / Bemerkung
Pathogenic bacteria need to rapidly adjust their virulence and fitness program to prevent eradication by the host. So far, underlying adaptation processes that drive pathogenesis have mostly been studied in vitro, neglecting the true complexity of host-induced stimuli acting on the invading pathogen. In this study, we developed an unbiased experimental approach that allows simultaneous monitoring of genome-wide infection-linked transcriptional alterations of the host and colonizing extracellular pathogens. Using this tool forYersinia pseudotuberculosis-infected lymphatic tissues, we revealed numerous alterations of host transcripts associated with inflammatory and acute-phase responses, coagulative activities, and transition metal ion sequestration, highlighting that the immune response is dominated by infiltrating neutrophils and elicits a mixed TH17/TH1 response. In consequence, the pathogen’s response is mainly directed to prevent phagocytic attacks.Yersiniaup-regulates the gene and expression dose of the antiphagocytic type III secretion system (T3SS) and induces functions counteracting neutrophil-induced ion deprivation, radical stress, and nutritional restraints. Several conserved bacterial riboregulators were identified that impacted this response. The strongest influence on virulence was found for the loss of the carbon storage regulator (Csr) system, which is shown to be essential for the up-regulation of the T3SS on host cell contact. In summary, our established approach provides a powerful tool for the discovery of infection-specific stimuli, induced host and pathogen responses, and underlying regulatory processes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Nuss AM, Beckstette M, Pimenova M, et al. Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017;114(5):E791-E800.
Nuss, A. M., Beckstette, M., Pimenova, M., Schmühl, C., Opitz, W., Pisano, F., Heroven, A. K., et al. (2017). Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(5), E791-E800. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1613405114
Nuss, Aaron M., Beckstette, Michael, Pimenova, Maria, Schmühl, Carina, Opitz, Wiebke, Pisano, Fabio, Heroven, Ann Kathrin, and Dersch, Petra. 2017. “Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (5): E791-E800.
Nuss, A. M., Beckstette, M., Pimenova, M., Schmühl, C., Opitz, W., Pisano, F., Heroven, A. K., and Dersch, P. (2017). Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, E791-E800.
Nuss, A.M., et al., 2017. Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(5), p E791-E800.
A.M. Nuss, et al., “Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 114, 2017, pp. E791-E800.
Nuss, A.M., Beckstette, M., Pimenova, M., Schmühl, C., Opitz, W., Pisano, F., Heroven, A.K., Dersch, P.: Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114, E791-E800 (2017).
Nuss, Aaron M., Beckstette, Michael, Pimenova, Maria, Schmühl, Carina, Opitz, Wiebke, Pisano, Fabio, Heroven, Ann Kathrin, and Dersch, Petra. “Tissue dual RNA-seq allows fast discovery of infection-specific functions and riboregulators shaping host–pathogen transcriptomes”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.5 (2017): E791-E800.

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