Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire

Alnahdi GH, Goldan J, Schwab S (2021)
Frontiers in Psychology 12: 633801.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.79 MB
Alnahdi, Ghaleb H.; Goldan, JankaUniBi; Schwab, Susanne
Abstract / Bemerkung
Research indicates that the perception of available resources is a key factor for the implementation of inclusive education. Regarding the teachers, a relatively high level of perceived personnel and physical resources is associated with more positive attitudes toward inclusive education and experiencing a higher level of self-efficacy. Thus, this study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the teacher version of the Perceptions of Resources Questionnaire (PRQ-T). Data were collected from a sample of 1,078 in-service teachers in Austria. Different statistical analyses were used, including Rasch analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicated good psychometric properties of the PRQ-T regarding internal consistency measured by person separation index (PSI) and construct validity by both confirmatory factor analysis and the Rasch analysis. Moreover, the findings supported that the PRQ-T is a two-factor scale to measure teachers’ perceptions of personnel and physical resources in inclusive education. Further studies with different samples are necessary to confirm the findings.
Frontiers in Psychology
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Alnahdi GH, Goldan J, Schwab S. Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021;12: 633801.
Alnahdi, G. H., Goldan, J., & Schwab, S. (2021). Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 633801.
Alnahdi, Ghaleb H., Goldan, Janka, and Schwab, Susanne. 2021. “Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire”. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 633801.
Alnahdi, G. H., Goldan, J., and Schwab, S. (2021). Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology 12:633801.
Alnahdi, G.H., Goldan, J., & Schwab, S., 2021. Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 633801.
G.H. Alnahdi, J. Goldan, and S. Schwab, “Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, 2021, : 633801.
Alnahdi, G.H., Goldan, J., Schwab, S.: Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology. 12, : 633801 (2021).
Alnahdi, Ghaleb H., Goldan, Janka, and Schwab, Susanne. “Psychometric Properties and Rasch Validation of the Teachers’ Version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire”. Frontiers in Psychology 12 (2021): 633801.
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