Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns

Lüken M (2020)
In: Mathematics Education in the Early Years. Carlsen M, Erfjord I, Hundeland PS (Eds); Cham: Springer: 79-92.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd
Abstract / Bemerkung
In both educational and research settings on repeating patterns, the focus seems to be put more on the product (i.e., the correct solution) than on the process (i.e., the strategies children employ in solving a patterning task). This chapter explores different patterning strategies and strategy use in early childhood and reflects on selected patterning tasks from a strategy point of view. One hundred and fifty-nine 3- to 5-year-old children were interviewed while working on various patterning tasks, and their strategies were coded into five strategy categories and quantified. Results show that young children use a variety of different patterning strategies, with the older children using more advanced strategies more often. When considering the mathematical structure of repeating patterns, it becomes apparent that most young children approach patterning activities without referring to or using the unit of repeat.
Repeating pattern; Patterning; Patterning strategies; Recursive thinking; Functional thinking
Mathematics Education in the Early Years
POEM4 Conference, 2018
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Lüken M. Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns. In: Carlsen M, Erfjord I, Hundeland PS, eds. Mathematics Education in the Early Years. Cham: Springer; 2020: 79-92.
Lüken, M. (2020). Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns. In M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, & P. S. Hundeland (Eds.), Mathematics Education in the Early Years (pp. 79-92). Cham: Springer.
Lüken, Miriam. 2020. “Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns”. In Mathematics Education in the Early Years, ed. Martin Carlsen, Ingvald Erfjord, and Per Sigurd Hundeland, 79-92. Cham: Springer.
Lüken, M. (2020). “Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns” in Mathematics Education in the Early Years, Carlsen, M., Erfjord, I., and Hundeland, P. S. eds. (Cham: Springer), 79-92.
Lüken, M., 2020. Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns. In M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, & P. S. Hundeland, eds. Mathematics Education in the Early Years. Cham: Springer, pp. 79-92.
M. Lüken, “Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns”, Mathematics Education in the Early Years, M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, and P.S. Hundeland, eds., Cham: Springer, 2020, pp.79-92.
Lüken, M.: Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns. In: Carlsen, M., Erfjord, I., and Hundeland, P.S. (eds.) Mathematics Education in the Early Years. p. 79-92. Springer, Cham (2020).
Lüken, Miriam. “Patterning as a Mathematical Activity: An Analysis of Young Children’s Strategies When Working with Repeating Patterns”. Mathematics Education in the Early Years. Ed. Martin Carlsen, Ingvald Erfjord, and Per Sigurd Hundeland. Cham: Springer, 2020. 79-92.

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