Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain

Dall’Orso S, Steinweg J, Allievi AG, Edwards AD, Burdet E, Arichi T (2018)
Cerebral Cortex 28(7): 2507-2515.

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Dall’Orso, S; Steinweg, J; Allievi, A G; Edwards, A D; Burdet, E; Arichi, T
Cerebral Cortex
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Dall’Orso S, Steinweg J, Allievi AG, Edwards AD, Burdet E, Arichi T. Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex. 2018;28(7):2507-2515.
Dall’Orso, S., Steinweg, J., Allievi, A. G., Edwards, A. D., Burdet, E., & Arichi, T. (2018). Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex, 28(7), 2507-2515. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhy050
Dall’Orso, S, Steinweg, J, Allievi, A G, Edwards, A D, Burdet, E, and Arichi, T. 2018. “Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain”. Cerebral Cortex 28 (7): 2507-2515.
Dall’Orso, S., Steinweg, J., Allievi, A. G., Edwards, A. D., Burdet, E., and Arichi, T. (2018). Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex 28, 2507-2515.
Dall’Orso, S., et al., 2018. Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex, 28(7), p 2507-2515.
S. Dall’Orso, et al., “Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain”, Cerebral Cortex, vol. 28, 2018, pp. 2507-2515.
Dall’Orso, S., Steinweg, J., Allievi, A.G., Edwards, A.D., Burdet, E., Arichi, T.: Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex. 28, 2507-2515 (2018).
Dall’Orso, S, Steinweg, J, Allievi, A G, Edwards, A D, Burdet, E, and Arichi, T. “Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain”. Cerebral Cortex 28.7 (2018): 2507-2515.

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