Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction

Borzelli D, Cesqui B, Berger DJ, Burdet E, d’Avella A (2018)
PLOS ONE 13(10): e0205911.

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Borzelli, Daniele; Cesqui, Benedetta; Berger, Denise J.; Burdet, Etienne; d’Avella, Andrea
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Borzelli D, Cesqui B, Berger DJ, Burdet E, d’Avella A. Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction. PLOS ONE. 2018;13(10): e0205911.
Borzelli, D., Cesqui, B., Berger, D. J., Burdet, E., & d’Avella, A. (2018). Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction. PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0205911.
Borzelli, Daniele, Cesqui, Benedetta, Berger, Denise J., Burdet, Etienne, and d’Avella, Andrea. 2018. “Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction”. PLOS ONE 13 (10): e0205911.
Borzelli, D., Cesqui, B., Berger, D. J., Burdet, E., and d’Avella, A. (2018). Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction. PLOS ONE 13:e0205911.
Borzelli, D., et al., 2018. Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction. PLOS ONE, 13(10): e0205911.
D. Borzelli, et al., “Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction”, PLOS ONE, vol. 13, 2018, : e0205911.
Borzelli, D., Cesqui, B., Berger, D.J., Burdet, E., d’Avella, A.: Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction. PLOS ONE. 13, : e0205911 (2018).
Borzelli, Daniele, Cesqui, Benedetta, Berger, Denise J., Burdet, Etienne, and d’Avella, Andrea. “Muscle patterns underlying voluntary modulation of co-contraction”. PLOS ONE 13.10 (2018): e0205911.

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