Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction

Takagi A, Usai F, Ganesh G, Sanguineti V, Burdet E (2018)
PLOS Computational Biology 14(3): e1005971.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Takagi, Atsushi; Usai, Francesco; Ganesh, Gowrishankar; Sanguineti, Vittorio; Burdet, Etienne
PLOS Computational Biology
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Takagi A, Usai F, Ganesh G, Sanguineti V, Burdet E. Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. PLOS Computational Biology. 2018;14(3): e1005971.
Takagi, A., Usai, F., Ganesh, G., Sanguineti, V., & Burdet, E. (2018). Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(3), e1005971. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005971
Takagi, Atsushi, Usai, Francesco, Ganesh, Gowrishankar, Sanguineti, Vittorio, and Burdet, Etienne. 2018. “Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction”. PLOS Computational Biology 14 (3): e1005971.
Takagi, A., Usai, F., Ganesh, G., Sanguineti, V., and Burdet, E. (2018). Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. PLOS Computational Biology 14:e1005971.
Takagi, A., et al., 2018. Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(3): e1005971.
A. Takagi, et al., “Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction”, PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 14, 2018, : e1005971.
Takagi, A., Usai, F., Ganesh, G., Sanguineti, V., Burdet, E.: Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. PLOS Computational Biology. 14, : e1005971 (2018).
Takagi, Atsushi, Usai, Francesco, Ganesh, Gowrishankar, Sanguineti, Vittorio, and Burdet, Etienne. “Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction”. PLOS Computational Biology 14.3 (2018): e1005971.

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