The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change

Schildhauer P, Ammermann A (2013)
In: Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale. Ammermann A, Brock A, Pflaeging J, Schildhauer P (Eds); Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung, 12. Berlin: Peter Lang: 117-130.

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Schildhauer, PeterUniBi; Ammermann, Anne
Ammermann, Anne; Brock, Alexander; Pflaeging, Jana; Schildhauer, Peter
Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale
Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung
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Schildhauer P, Ammermann A. The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change. In: Ammermann A, Brock A, Pflaeging J, Schildhauer P, eds. Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale. Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung. Vol 12. Berlin: Peter Lang; 2013: 117-130.
Schildhauer, P., & Ammermann, A. (2013). The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change. In A. Ammermann, A. Brock, J. Pflaeging, & P. Schildhauer (Eds.), Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung: Vol. 12. Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale (pp. 117-130). Berlin: Peter Lang.
Schildhauer, Peter, and Ammermann, Anne. 2013. “The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change”. In Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale, ed. Anne Ammermann, Alexander Brock, Jana Pflaeging, and Peter Schildhauer, 12:117-130. Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Schildhauer, P., and Ammermann, A. (2013). “The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change” in Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale, Ammermann, A., Brock, A., Pflaeging, J., and Schildhauer, P. eds. Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung, vol. 12, (Berlin: Peter Lang), 117-130.
Schildhauer, P., & Ammermann, A., 2013. The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change. In A. Ammermann, et al., eds. Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale. Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung. no.12 Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 117-130.
P. Schildhauer and A. Ammermann, “The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change”, Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale, A. Ammermann, et al., eds., Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung, vol. 12, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2013, pp.117-130.
Schildhauer, P., Ammermann, A.: The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change. In: Ammermann, A., Brock, A., Pflaeging, J., and Schildhauer, P. (eds.) Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale. Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung. 12, p. 117-130. Peter Lang, Berlin (2013).
Schildhauer, Peter, and Ammermann, Anne. “The Textual Functions of Personal Weblogs: Stability, Diversity, and Change”. Facets of Linguistics. proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale. Ed. Anne Ammermann, Alexander Brock, Jana Pflaeging, and Peter Schildhauer. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2013.Vol. 12. Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung. 117-130.

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