Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds

Dewolf AH, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F, Willems PA (2017)
PloS one 12(10): e0186963.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Dewolf, Arthur H.; Ivanenko, Yuri P.; Lacquaniti, Francesco; Willems, Patrick A.
PloS one
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Dewolf AH, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F, Willems PA. Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds. PloS one. 2017;12(10): e0186963.
Dewolf, A. H., Ivanenko, Y. P., Lacquaniti, F., & Willems, P. A. (2017). Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds. PloS one, 12(10), e0186963.
Dewolf, Arthur H., Ivanenko, Yuri P., Lacquaniti, Francesco, and Willems, Patrick A. 2017. “Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds”. PloS one 12 (10): e0186963.
Dewolf, A. H., Ivanenko, Y. P., Lacquaniti, F., and Willems, P. A. (2017). Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds. PloS one 12:e0186963.
Dewolf, A.H., et al., 2017. Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds. PloS one, 12(10): e0186963.
A.H. Dewolf, et al., “Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds”, PloS one, vol. 12, 2017, : e0186963.
Dewolf, A.H., Ivanenko, Y.P., Lacquaniti, F., Willems, P.A.: Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds. PloS one. 12, : e0186963 (2017).
Dewolf, Arthur H., Ivanenko, Yuri P., Lacquaniti, Francesco, and Willems, Patrick A. “Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds”. PloS one 12.10 (2017): e0186963.

3 Zitationen in Europe PMC

Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.

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Kinematic patterns while walking on a slope at different speeds.
Dewolf AH, Ivanenko Y, Zelik KE, Lacquaniti F, Willems PA., J Appl Physiol (1985) 125(2), 2018
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