Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies?

d'Avella A (2016)
Physics of Life Reviews 17: 33-35.

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d'Avella, Andrea
Physics of Life Reviews
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d'Avella A. Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies? Physics of Life Reviews. 2016;17:33-35.
d'Avella, A. (2016). Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies? Physics of Life Reviews, 17, 33-35.
d'Avella, Andrea. 2016. “Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies?”. Physics of Life Reviews 17: 33-35.
d'Avella, A. (2016). Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies? Physics of Life Reviews 17, 33-35.
d'Avella, A., 2016. Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies? Physics of Life Reviews, 17, p 33-35.
A. d'Avella, “Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies?”, Physics of Life Reviews, vol. 17, 2016, pp. 33-35.
d'Avella, A.: Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies? Physics of Life Reviews. 17, 33-35 (2016).
d'Avella, Andrea. “Integration of robotics and neuroscience beyond the hand: What kind of synergies?”. Physics of Life Reviews 17 (2016): 33-35.

1 Zitation in Europe PMC

Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.

Towards a synergy framework across neuroscience and robotics: Lessons learned and open questions. Reply to comments on: "Hand synergies: Integration of robotics and neuroscience for understanding the control of biological and artificial hands".
Santello M, Bianchi M, Gabiccini M, Ricciardi E, Salvietti G, Prattichizzo D, Ernst M, Moscatelli A, Jorntell H, Kappers AM, Kyriakopoulos K, Schaeffer AA, Castellini C, Bicchi A., Phys Life Rev 17(), 2016
PMID: 27344306

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