Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior

Taubert N, Li J, Endres D, Giese MA (Submitted)
Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision 15(12): 505.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Eingereicht | Englisch
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Taubert, N.; Li, J.; Endres, D.; Giese, M. A.
Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision
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Taubert N, Li J, Endres D, Giese MA. Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision. Submitted;15(12): 505.
Taubert, N., Li, J., Endres, D., & Giese, M. A. (Submitted). Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision, 15(12), 505.
Taubert, N., Li, J., Endres, D., and Giese, M. A. Submitted. “Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior”. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision 15 (12): 505.
Taubert, N., Li, J., Endres, D., and Giese, M. A. (Submitted). Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision 15:505.
Taubert, N., et al., Submitted. Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision, 15(12): 505.
N. Taubert, et al., “Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior”, Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision, vol. 15, Submitted, : 505.
Taubert, N., Li, J., Endres, D., Giese, M.A.: Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision. 15, : 505 (Submitted).
Taubert, N., Li, J., Endres, D., and Giese, M. A. “Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior”. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision 15.12 (Submitted): 505.

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