On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts

Billard A (In Press)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems: 157-164.

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Billard, Aude
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
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Billard A. On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. In Press:157-164.
Billard, A. (In Press). On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 157-164.
Billard, Aude. In Press. “On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts”. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 157-164.
Billard, A. (In Press). On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 157-164.
Billard, A., In Press. On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, , p 157-164.
A. Billard, “On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, In Press, pp. 157-164.
Billard, A.: On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 157-164 (In Press).
Billard, Aude. “On the mechanical, cognitive and sociable facets of human compliance and their robotic counterparts”. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (In Press): 157-164.

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