What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions
Schilling M, Cruse H (2012)
Frontiers in Psychology 3(383): 383.
Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Englisch

Frontiers in Psychology
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Schilling M, Cruse H. What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions. Frontiers in Psychology. 2012;3(383):383.
Schilling, M., & Cruse, H. (2012). What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(383), 383. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00383
Schilling, Malte, and Cruse, Holk. 2012. “What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions”. Frontiers in Psychology 3 (383): 383.
Schilling, M., and Cruse, H. (2012). What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions. Frontiers in Psychology 3, 383.
Schilling, M., & Cruse, H., 2012. What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(383), p 383.
M. Schilling and H. Cruse, “What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 3, 2012, pp. 383.
Schilling, M., Cruse, H.: What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions. Frontiers in Psychology. 3, 383 (2012).
Schilling, Malte, and Cruse, Holk. “What's next: Recruitment of a grounded predictive body model for planning a robot's actions”. Frontiers in Psychology 3.383 (2012): 383.
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6 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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