Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice
Kowalewski B, Lamanna WC, Lawrence R, Damme M, Padva M, Stroobants S, Kalus I, Frese M-A, Lübke T, Lüllmann-Rauch R, D'Hooge R, et al. (2012)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109(26): 10310-10315.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kowalewski, BjörnUniBi;
Lamanna, William Christopher;
Lawrence, Roger;
Damme, MarkusUniBi;
Padva, Michael;
Stroobants, Stijn;
Kalus, InaUniBi;
Frese, Marc-André;
Lübke, TorbenUniBi
Lüllmann-Rauch, Renate;
D'Hooge, Rudi;
Esko, Jeffrey D

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
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Kowalewski B, Lamanna WC, Lawrence R, et al. Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2012;109(26):10310-10315.
Kowalewski, B., Lamanna, W. C., Lawrence, R., Damme, M., Padva, M., Stroobants, S., Kalus, I., et al. (2012). Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109(26), 10310-10315. doi:10.1073/pnas.1202071109
Kowalewski, Björn, Lamanna, William Christopher, Lawrence, Roger, Damme, Markus, Padva, Michael, Stroobants, Stijn, Kalus, Ina, et al. 2012. “Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109 (26): 10310-10315.
Kowalewski, B., Lamanna, W. C., Lawrence, R., Damme, M., Padva, M., Stroobants, S., Kalus, I., Frese, M. - A., Lübke, T., Lüllmann-Rauch, R., et al. (2012). Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 10310-10315.
Kowalewski, B., et al., 2012. Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109(26), p 10310-10315.
B. Kowalewski, et al., “Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 109, 2012, pp. 10310-10315.
Kowalewski, B., Lamanna, W.C., Lawrence, R., Damme, M., Padva, M., Stroobants, S., Kalus, I., Frese, M.-A., Lübke, T., Lüllmann-Rauch, R., D'Hooge, R., Esko, J.D., Dierks, T.: Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109, 10310-10315 (2012).
Kowalewski, Björn, Lamanna, William Christopher, Lawrence, Roger, Damme, Markus, Padva, Michael, Stroobants, Stijn, Kalus, Ina, Frese, Marc-André, Lübke, Torben, Lüllmann-Rauch, Renate, D'Hooge, Rudi, Esko, Jeffrey D, and Dierks, Thomas. “Arylsulfatase G Inactivation Causes Loss of Heparan Sulfate 3-O-Sulfatase Activity and Mucopolysaccharidosis in Mice”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109.26 (2012): 10310-10315.
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Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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