Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales

Reinkensmeier J, Schlüter J-P, Giegerich R, Becker A (2011)
GENES 2(4): 925-956.

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Reinkensmeier, JanUniBi; Schlüter, Jan-Philip; Giegerich, RobertUniBi; Becker, Anke
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Reinkensmeier J, Schlüter J-P, Giegerich R, Becker A. Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales. GENES. 2011;2(4):925-956.
Reinkensmeier, J., Schlüter, J. - P., Giegerich, R., & Becker, A. (2011). Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales. GENES, 2(4), 925-956.
Reinkensmeier, Jan, Schlüter, Jan-Philip, Giegerich, Robert, and Becker, Anke. 2011. “Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales”. GENES 2 (4): 925-956.
Reinkensmeier, J., Schlüter, J. - P., Giegerich, R., and Becker, A. (2011). Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales. GENES 2, 925-956.
Reinkensmeier, J., et al., 2011. Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales. GENES, 2(4), p 925-956.
J. Reinkensmeier, et al., “Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales”, GENES, vol. 2, 2011, pp. 925-956.
Reinkensmeier, J., Schlüter, J.-P., Giegerich, R., Becker, A.: Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales. GENES. 2, 925-956 (2011).
Reinkensmeier, Jan, Schlüter, Jan-Philip, Giegerich, Robert, and Becker, Anke. “Conservation and Occurrence of Trans-Encoded sRNAs in the Rhizobiales”. GENES 2.4 (2011): 925-956.

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